Hellish Creature

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"Snap out of it," Phil orders in a firm voice that reminds me of a general, which caused me to flinch. Grabbing the blanket, I toss it over my head to hide my tears, and I hear another sigh part from the man. Phil speaks again, softly this time.

"Y/N, please, come out. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have raised my voice," he apologizes whilst lifting the covers from my head to slip his hand in and cup my cheek. "Don't hide."

"Why must you be so secretive?" I mutter, closing my eyes momentarily as I melt against his cold hand. My question was barely audible, even to myself, though, I'm sure he heard it because when I opened my eyes there was a deep frown on his face. The man gently caresses my cheek with his thumb as he looks away.

"You really want to know that badly?" I nod my head and bring a shaking hand to his to hold it in reassurance. Seems like he might tell me now, but it's clear he's hesitant about it. Phil looks back at me before closing his eyes and leaning in close, swiftly locking his lips with my own, which causes my eyes to widen and my heart to pound, though, in a good way. The kiss had a little force, but it wasn't too much, and his lips are very soft— ice cold too, but that didn't bother me much.

He wasn't rough at all, but he didn't treat me like a fragile doll either. It was perfect and, honestly, I didn't expect him to attempt such a bold move twice. I had panicked in the living room when he tried the first time. I was overwhelmed by so many emotions that my first thought was to run away. I shouldn't have, especially when I hold such strong feelings for him, but it was practically instinct. I didn't realize until he pulled away that my body had completely relaxed during the passionate kiss. I was dazed upon meeting his blue eyes again as he straightens himself out and brought my fingers to my tingling lips. "Then, I shall tell you everything, however, this information will not come for free. I still think it's much too soon to tell you, so I want something in return."

"Okay." It was a reasonable request, I suppose. "What exactly will I be doing?" I question, somewhat nervously.

"Firstly, I want you to stop doubting. I know you constantly bring yourself down, like you aren't worthy of anything, but you mean a great deal to me, so it hurts when you do that." I lightly nod my head.

"I'll try. Anything else?" He nods his head before picking up the bottle of pills he had brought into the room with him.

"Take your medicine. You seemed to have calmed down for the most part, but I fear that you might get... overwhelmed by what I tell you." His words make me feel somewhat nervous, yet at the same time, I'm excited. I'll finally get to learn the truth about him, and that makes me happy. He's making it sound like it will change my whole perception of him, though, which I doubt it will.

I will judge him on how he's been with me, not on what he is or what he's done. I agree to the terms, so he gets up and walks out of the room before returning with a glass of water. As I sit up, he sets the glass on the nightstand before opening the bottle and handing me the proper dosage. He sits next to me while petting my hair as I take the medication, causing me to shudder from his cold touch. After drinking the water, I set it back on the nightstand before meeting his anxious gaze, waiting for him to speak. He hesitates and looks away while scratching the back of his neck.

"You know, my words cannot be taken back after they are spoken, so if you don't like what you hear, I'm sorry. I'm afraid you might resent me by the end of this, though, a part of me remains hopeful." He sighs and looks down at me with a frown on his lips. "When I'm done, I will offer you a choice, all right?" I nod, my heart pounding wildly as he gets up and pushes his hair back while biting on his lower lip.

Black SheepOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz