Stubborn Silence

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There are just too many pieces of the puzzle that refuse to fit, like: who is Phil? What is he? Why is it that these dreams appeared when he did? Why is he so damn secretive? Why can't he just tell me what's going on? All these questions are just making my condition worse. I just want to lie back down and sleep, but how could I? I don't want to risk going back to that castle. I'm so scared and just want to be comforted, but the only person who can calm me down is nowhere to be found. I'm alone...

'Why am I always left alone?' I bring my knees to my chest and curl into a ball while silent tears leave my reddened, puffy eyes. I wipe them only to wince every time I moved. I sat there for a little longer until the sun came fully up and sighed. I had managed to calm myself at least a bit.

'I think I should get dressed and make something to eat. Maybe Barbra's up and can distract me for a little while?' I cautiously stand up and find that I have a bit better control of my legs than before as I make my way over to the dresser. I take out something that'll hide these bandages: a black turtleneck with dark grey pants and a black belt that has a large, silver buckle. The sweater isn't too tight, so it shouldn't be too restricting on the bandages.

The last thing I need right now is for Barbra to start worrying about me when she's getting ready to leave this place, so I'll try to leave her in the dark about this incident. I feel a sudden pang in my heart upon remembering that she's leaving me.... alone...

'Goddamnit, why am I always left alone at the worst possible times?' I slam my drawer shut in frustration only to yelp and bring a hand to my neck while sucking in air through my teeth. Whimpering softly, I follow the wall out of the room and to the kitchen, where I can hear the sound of someone moving around. Barb always was a morning person. I never really understood the appeal of waking up at ungodly hours myself, but to each her own. My stomach growls as the scent of delicious food invades my nostrils, making me want to levitate towards it like in cartoons. Pancakes and bacon: heaven. The woman treats me with a smile upon seeing me enter the kitchen, looking surprised that I was up so early.

"Mornin'!" Her grin then falls to a look of concern as she looks me over, confusing me a bit. "Christ, Y/N! Did you get sick or something? You look like s***. Jeez, you literally have the worst luck than anyone I've ever met," she claims before flipping the pancake in the pan she's in front of. With a slight smile, I shake my head.

"What loving words from my adoring roommate," I say sarcastically before noticing a dark figure sitting at the small, kitchen table. It's only got two chairs and is in the shape of an oval, though, we rarely ever use it, honestly. Most often, I'd be rushing out the door in the morning or eating on the couch in the evening. You can imagine my surprise, however, when I made eye contact with the familiar, blue eyes of my companion, Phil. He greets me with a slight smile, though, I only return it with a secretive glare to make sure Barb didn't see.

'Has he been sitting here this whole time while I waited and worried about him? Where the heck did he run off to!? Why didn't he come back to the room?' I clench my fists, on the brink of tears again, causing the man to frown a bit with an apologetic look in his eyes. My attention shifts when two plates are set on the table before Barb takes the unoccupied seat. I'd get to the bottom of this later. Right now, I can't, not while she's still here. Barbra sends me a questioning stare, noticing that I'm still standing in the doorway.

"Why are you still standing? Gotta eat while the food's still good," she jokes, though, my expression remains unchanged as my E/C orbs dart between her and the dark-haired creature occupying my chair. Phil stifles a laugh while blocking his mouth with a gloved hand after realizing the predicament, which made me want to frown as I slowly approach the table. The entire walk over, I stare Phil down with a glare, silently telling him to move, but the male only smirks in amusement while draping an arm over the back of the chair to get more comfortable. I could feel my cheeks heat up as he pats his lap with his other hand, ushering me to sit.

Black SheepOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora