"I'll take you home, okay?" I nod my head, liking the sound of relaxing at home in bed, however...

"I don't think I can stand." He breathes out a laugh before reaching out his arms.

"There'll be no need for any of that." I'm effortlessly lifted into his arms, but my body was too exhausted to react, so I allow him. It's not like I'm opposed to being carried anyway. I was still surprised, though. "Can you close your eyes for me again?"

He requests in a soft tone. I obey, wriggling to get comfortable in his arms only to groan at the soreness of my joints. "You may open them now." Puzzled, I hesitantly open my eyes, not understanding what I closed them for when they were only shut for a moment. To say I was shocked is an understatement when I see we aren't in the shop anymore, but in my bedroom. I didn't even feel us move!

"H-How?" An amused laugh rumbles his chest as I'm put down on the bed before he takes off my black boots.

"I have my ways," he claims while sitting beside me, which only raised more questions. I've longed to know his identity the moment he came into my life, but he never spoke until recently. Perhaps now is the time to ask him?

"Phil?" He hums, quirking a brow for a mere moment while raking his left fingers through my hair as I practically melt against the plush pillows. The cold digits feel so nice against my scalp. "What are you?" He freezes and a blank expression befalls his face before a hesitant look appears in his eyes.

"Don't worry about such things. That isn't important right now." A slight smile twitches at the corners of his lips when he sees me frown before continuing to pet me. "I'll tell you another time. Right now, you need rest." I still feel disappointed. Who knows how long it's going to take before my curiosity can be quenched? But, I won't force him to tell me anything. It's his secret he wishes to keep. My eyelids droop as a blanket is pulled over my body, but they shoot open after there's a knock on the door.

"Y/N, is that you? Did you come home early?" Barbra asks from the other side, calming my racing heart.

"Yes. I wasn't feeling well, so I closed a little sooner." I would've told her the truth, but it'd only make her worry. Besides, the problem has apparently been taken care of. I try to sit up, but my arms are too weak to perform such a small task, so Phil assists me by pressing a hand against my back. The door opens to reveal my worried roommate, and I was almost tempted to smile. She can be such a sweet person when the circumstances call for it.

"What happened? You didn't have another 'episode', did you?" She asks, stepping closer until she reaches my bedside. I crack a smile and chuckle nervously.

"Just a little one," I lie, which she clearly didn't buy. The woman gives a soft sigh and drops it.

"You want something?" She asks, referring to food. After taking a moment to think of what we have in the kitchen, I decide.

"Something hot, maybe? Soup?"

"I gotcha, man." She turns to leave, but neglects to shut the door on her way out. Phil walks over to close it himself before looking at me.

"You look faint." He mentions before coming over to press a cold hand against my forehead. I didn't realize how hot my face was until he touched it, and, though, I want to sleep, how could I after all that's happened? Sure the store's fixed and those awful teenagers are gone, but one question that bothers me most of all is... Why me? Out of everyone in this entire world, why is Phil helping me?

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