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~Rozz's Pov~

I take one solid step, and wobble a little as I push my left foot forward for another step.

"You. Can. Do. It." I whisper under my breath as I try another step.

I am determined to be able to walk without someone holding my arm in the morning. I hate the feeling of dependence. I feel like a burden when I'm forced to be dependant on someone.

I take a few more quick steps and steady myself against the wall.

"I will be able to walk," I say determined.

"Rozz?" My nurse says as she opens the door and grabs my arm. "Honey you need to sit down... hang on it's 3 in the morning, why are you not asleep?"

"I'm going home tomorrow and I don't want to be dependant on everyone. So I'm practicing walking," I say matter-of-factly.

She stares at the wall for a bit and finally turns back to me. "You are my only patient tonight... How about I take you walking around the hospital? That way if you fall or get tired I can help you get back to bed," she says finally.

I think for a bit and finally nod. "But you have to stay back," I add and she agrees.

She holds the door open and I take my first step in the hallway. Gripping my I.V. pole, I wobble along the bleach white hallway.

"So.... I wanna know about you, who's all the people who visit you?" she asks trying to make small talk.

"You do know I sing with a band right?"

"Oh... No I did not... what's the band's name? maybe I've heard of them?"

"Probably not, but I sing with my cousin in Sleeping with Sirens, and I do some work with my best friends in Pierce the Veil."

"My niece listens to them! She was wanting to go to that big tour thingy this summer... walled? no... war-ed? no..."


"Yeah! That's it! But my brother wouldn't let her go because apparently a lot of people get hurt."

"Depends on the band really. I actually played there this summer and during our sets I only saw a few people get hurt, and most of them only required a little bandage. Warped is not near as bad as most people say it is."

"Oh well maybe next year she can go. Maybe she can come see you in the morning before you leave?"

"Of course!" I say with a huge grin on my face.

"You're doing really good!" she says and I snap back into reality.

She was right, I was walking close to normal.

"Thanks..." I mumble not knowing what else to say.

"Want some pudding?"

"Ummm sure?" I smile and she takes me to the nurses station.

She hands me a pudding and a spoon, and puts herself one on the desk.

As we ate she asked a few more questions about the band and how I got in it. Every answer I gave her was vague and didn't give too much information about my life before Kellin. And her answers were always more questions that led to more questions that led to even deeper and more personal questions.

Eventually I smiled and told her I was sleepy. She looked up and realized we has been talking for least two hours.

"Bye Rozzalynn! I'll bring Ava Grace up here tomorrow to meet you," she smiles as she shuts my door quietly.

Ava? Grace? Ava Grace? With a name like that, this girl doesn't sound like she should go to Warped.

I look around and think about how emotional tomorrow will be. Not just for me, but for all the guys because we will soon be working on a court case.

Not many people can say they legitimately hate their mom, but I can. I hate mine with a burning passion, and if I believed in Hell I know she would be going there. For once I'm glad I'm an only child, because if I wasn't I probably would have killed my mom early on in my life.

"Let it go..." I whisper as I close my eyes. "Tomorrow will be great, just you wait."

Damn that was cheesy.


End of course. Math every night. English projects. Anyone else for school to be over? only 2 more weeks for me... maybe I'll survive?

whatever, hey guys! How's it going? It's been a while and I know this chapter wasn't great. I will say once school is over I'll post nearly every week until I finish. (5-7 chapters maybe more) still love you guys.

P.S. if you ever get a chance to see Mayday Parade or Divided by Friday in concert do it! I saw them last week and it was one if the best concerts ever. I was hoarse and sounded like an old lady afterwards  but it was beyond amazing!

Love you guys and if you actually read all of this, congratulations, you are one of my friends now. No turning back! Hi my name is Shay... what's yours?

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