Turtles Can Kiss!

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~Tony's POV

Everything in my world has seemed to fall down around me. A week or so ago I saw Rozz watching, AND LAUGHING aat Gabe as he did stripper moves. It's obvious he likes her, and well I think she likes him back. Then I found out her and Vic had kissed. Yesterday they walked around together, and they looked like a couple. Maybe they are secretly dating. Either way I'm upset. My best friend took the girl I had a crush on. He lied to me. He told me he would let me have her! Now look who has her! Not me!

"Turtle boy!" Jaime says shaking me.

"What?" I say pushing him away.

"You look upset."

"I am. Now fuck off."

"Fine dude, whatever," He says over his shoulder.

"Hang on!" I say and he turns around to me. "I'm sorry. also where's Rozz?"

"Outside hiding from the crowd. She looked upset," he says.

"Thank dude," I smile.

~Rozz's POV

From mom: We are coming home early. Be home next week. Better start saying your goodbyes now. We've heard you are performing... don't get back on that stage. I don't want any child of mine addicted to fame. if I hear you didn't listen I'm taking away all your merch.

"What the hell is her fucking problem. I finally find something I like to do and she tells me I can't do it anymore!?" I scream at the ground, tears falling.

I don't wanna go home. I want to live with Kellin, and I want to stay on the road with the band.

"Who says you can't perform anymore?" someone says from behind me, and I turn around to see Tony standing there.

"No one," I lie.

"I know someone did," he says walking closer.

"well... umm... my mom is coming home early. So I'm leaving next week... And she said I can't perform anymore unless I want my merch taken away," I confess to him.

"You haven't told Kellin yet right?" he says pulling me into a hug.

"Not yet. Although it wont matter," I whisper.

"I bet it will. He doesn't want you going home," Tony tells me as he lifts me up, and I wrap my legs around his torso. "Dang you're light!"

"Not really... But well he can try, but I doubt she will let me stay," I say as I look into his eyes.

"Well when we get a chance we can find out."

He walks us over to a bus and presses my back up against it. He leans in towards me and closes his eyes. I close mine out of instinct, and I feel his lips meet mine. He turns his head to the side and his lips press onto mine harder. I feel his tongue swipe across my bottom lip and I part my lips for him. I feel him rub the inside of my cheek and I decide I want to have some fun too. I take my tongue and hit his. The battle begins in my mouth, our tounges fighting for dominance. I pull away needing air, and both of us gasp.

"How many guys have you kissed?!" he asks as he gasps for more air.

"Umm... you would make the second." I admit.

"Really? Are you sure? You act like you're pro!" He says in amazement.

"Rozz?! Tony?!" Gabe's voice says a few buses away.

"Oh shit," I say, jumping down off of Tony.

"Where are you guys?!" Gabe calls out.

"Coming!" I answer, and Tony and I walk towards where his voice was coming from.

~Tony's POV

"DAMN! She kisses as good as she looks. Which is REALLY good!" I whisper to myself as Gabe and Rozz walk ahead of me talking.

"Rozz? Is it true?" Kellin says from in front of us.

She nods "I can't perform and I'm going home next week."

"No. I'm not gonna let it happen. Somehow I'm gonna get custody of you. And you are too good of a singer to stop," he tells her.

"She wont, I know my mother."

"I don't care... I'll be back, I have some phone calls to make," he tells us.

~Kellin's POV

"Okay. Look here. You're daughter is an amazing singer and she enjoys it more than anything. You can't keep her from doing that. If you loved her you wouldn't. And if you cared about her happiness you would let her finish the tour!" I snap as Rozz's mother.

"If I cared about her happiness I would let her, but I don't so I'm not! And I don't love her! She's just an ungrateful teenager who has no friends. She doesn't help me do anything. She's just eating all my food!" She yells at me over the line.

"You are a terrible mother! You don't deserve her!"

"Haha like you do?! Fuck off Quinn. Only reason she's with you is cause all the rest of her family hates her!"

"I've actually seen her smile! Unlike you!" I shout and hang up.

I look for my lawyer's number and call her, telling her how I have it recorded.

"You could get her... Do you want another kid?"

"I'm fine with Rozz!"

"I'll turn it in and call you back when I get a date set. 'Til then, DO NOT let her leave you," She tells me then hangs up.

GOD. If I was Rozz I would have ran away by now. Her mother is terrible! There is no way she's going back!

I stand up and walk outside to find Rozz.

"I'm probably getting custody of you. You're mother just said some stuff she shouldn't have, and I got it recorded," I tell her.

"I love you!" she says hugging me tightly and crying.

"I love you too baby," I tell her.

~Rozz's POV

"Tony! Tony!" I shout as I run towards him.

I run straight into him, and he catches me. "What?"

"I'm not leaving!" I tell him, overjoyed.

"That's amazing!" he says as he pecks my lips.

"You're so supportive," I smile.

"Would you please go out with me?" He asks as I am hugging him. I pull back and kinda look at him sadly. "I knew it! You and Vic are dating aren't you!" He says pushing me away.

"No! It's just. I like all 3 of you, and I'm not really sure who I want!" I tell him... "Well that and you guys are a lot older than me, and I thought maybe... I dunno! I'm sorry for kissing you! But... For a turtle you kiss really good," I admit and he blushes.

"It's okay if you don't want to date, I just thought after that kiss..." His voice trails off.

"I shouldn't have let you in. It was wrong, but it felt so right." I tell him.

"It's okay," he sighs. "I just really like you."

I rub the back of my neck. "Give me a week. I'll let you know then," I say giving in.

"Yay!" He says running off.

What have I done?


Boring. yeah probably. Okay so yeah what she's doing is wrong (kissing them both and leading them all on) but she's still a fan like you. She doesn't want to lose any of them. So she's trying to please them all... yeah not smart. But lets see who she ends up with!

Congratulations (A Sleeping with Sirens/Pierce the Veil fanfic)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu