The Media

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I woke up to Copeland sitting on my chest and Katelynn laughing as her baby hit me.

"Sorry Rozz, but I thought you would enjoy this," she says, still laughing.

I pick up Copeland and sit her in my lap as I sit up.

I coo and goo at her until she is laughing and smiling a huge grin.

"I think he wanted to talk to you downstairs..." Katelynn says, her voice trailing off.

I hand her Copeland and get dressed.

A Falling In Reverse shirt and a pair of black skinny jeans is what I choose to wear. I twirl around in front of a mirror. I slip on my socks and my Converse, and start downstairs.

Kellin tackles me from the side and throws me over his shoulder.

"PUT ME DOWN!" I squeal

He puts me down on the couch and sits next to me.

"You posted a comment on YouTube yesterday using my account didn't you," he asked as he turns on his laptop.

"Yes... But... But I didn't mean to. I forgot I was on your account..." I say, my voice getting lower with every word.

He turns and hugs me, "Its fine! I want you to see some stuff though," he says as he turns his computer towards me.

I see tons of tweets towards him. Most of them mean, but a few were nice and saying how I had a nice voice.

He turns his computer back towards him, presses a few buttons. Then turns it back towards me.

The band's facebook wall had tons of links to the video, and pictures of my comment.

I turn my head down ashamed at myself and my actions.

"You aren't done," he says as he turns the screen towards me, "Just push the next tab when you're done."

I read through news sites, mostly gossip ones, and slowly lose my respect towards myself. Then I get to the last tab. The header of the story "Kellin Quinn's talented cousin draws attention".

I read through the article and hand the computer back to my cousin. I'm smiling like crazy and can't stop.

"Th-th-they want me to sing with you at Warped?!" I half ask. half scream.

"Not only that, but I got calls this morning from multiple labels wanting to sign you. I'm getting you an agent, and you're about to be famous!" he exclaims. "I'm proud of my little cousin!"

He puts the laptop on the table and pulls me off the couch. He starts doing a little happy dance and I join in, laughing. This us something that interviews will never show you. This is a part of Kellin that hardly anyone has seen, and I really liked it.

A knock on the door makes us stop. Kellin walks over to the door and opens it. Vic and Mike Fuentes stands in the door.

"There she is!" Vic shrieks as he runs in and grabs me up in a hug.

I just sit there, stiff, and really shocked. Vic. Just. Hugged. Me! I go into fan girl mode and everyone just kinda watches as I say how much I love Vic.

"So Kellin you must be proud," Mike says elbowing my cousin in the ribs.

"Very proud. Very," Kellin replies.

The three boys sit down and start talking about me and my future, so I walk over to Katelynn and Copeland in the kitchen.

"Can I take a pictures of them for my instagram?" I ask.

"Go ahead," she says as she mixes a bottle.

I take out my phone and snap a pictures of their backs and post it, tagging all of them. They all pull out theur phones and turn and look at me, then start laughing as they turn back around.

I go back to my home screen on instagram and almost scream. 500 NEW FOLLOWERS! I instantly think to check my twitter and nearly 1k had started following me. This must be a dream...

Copeland starts fussing at me and reaching for me so I take her and feed her for Katelynn.

"Hey Rozzalyn come here. We got a surprise," Mike says.

I walk into the living room and they all stand up. Katelynn pulls out her phone and holds it up as we all get together for a picture.

Right after I sit down my phone vibrates. Katelynn had posted it to instagram.

Hate poured in, but so did the love. I had fans, and most of the hate was caused by me meeting and knowing Vic, and Mike and the hater not getting to.

"Sing for us, " Vic begged.

"Right now?.."

"Yes!" Mike said.

"What's your favorite song from us?" Vic questioned.

"Hold on 'Til May," I answer immediately.

"Easy one. She sits up high, surrounded by the sun," He starts, pointing at me to join in.

"One million branches and she loves every one. Mom and Dad, did you search for me? I've been up here so long I'm going crazyyyy," I continue, then stop.

"You are going to go far. Very far." Vic says smiling.

They stay for a few more hours then say they need to leave.

As they walk out the door a woman with a microphone jumps in.

She shoves the mic in my face and tells her camera man to come in. Kellin runs over and stands beside me.

"Get out of my house. We aren't accepting interviews right now," he says as he pushes them out of the door.

He closes and lockes it and then sits down in the floor with Cope.

My first almost interview... I could get used to that.


Another chapter written at 2am.

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