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I rub my eyes and look at the alarm clock.

Four a.m.

I groan softly and crawled out of bed trying not to wake Kellin. I walked to the bus's kitchen and grab a Monster out of the fridge.

I realized the bus wasn't moving and I steped outside. We were stopped in a pretty deserted place outside of town. I look up and see the stars twinkling, and the flash of the airplanes and the satellites.

"I miss this," I say referring to when I lived in Texas.

Trees surrounded the bus. I take a deep breath, and exhale with a smile.

"Fresh air," I smile as I take a drink of my Monster.

I search the sky looking for the moon and finally see a deep, golden circle hiding behind a few trees. I remember so many years ago... When me and my friend Sam would have camp outs in my yard. I remember the deep conversations we would have. Us being about ten or eleven, most of our conversations revolved around stuff at school, video games, or even boys.

I sigh.

"I miss those days..." The corners of my lips turn down, and I stare at the setting moon. "Boys... Gawd back then we thought we wanted a boyfriend. Now me and her are too scared to even get in a relationship," I say referring to Sam and me. The last time I talked to her was about a year ago and she had just got out of an abusive relationship. "Boys are stupid," I add, not able to think of a stronger word.

I take out my phone and go through my contacts looking for the one I wanted. Finally I found it. "Sammmmmmy darling" it read.

Me- 'I know its almost 4:30 but I want to let you know I love you. I definitely haven't forgot about you. When you get a chance text back or call. We have A LOTTT of catching up to do. Sam... I promise I haven't forgot... I've had a lot of shit going on this year, and its finally getting better.'

Memories from earlier this year flashed into my mind.

My mom screaming at me from the ground and me in the tree stuck out in my mind. I remember exactly what happened. I had misplaced a book from school and was told to pay for it. ($5 it was a paperback that they were about to replace) My mom got furious and had screamed at me telling me we didn't have enough money for me to be losing books. She had grabbed a belt and chased me outside, where I climbed the biggest tree in our yard. "YOU STUPID, WORTHLESS LITTLE SHIT! GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE NOW!" she screamed at me, and when she saw I wasn't coming down she continued, "FUCK YOU TOO. YOU NEED TO LEARN SOME DAMN MANNERS AND LEARN TO OBEY YOUR MOM WHEN SHE TELLS YOU TO DO SOMETHING!" she started to walk away then turned back and looked up the tree at me "BITCH! YOU WILL NEVER, EVER GET ANYWHERE IN LIFE!"

My phone vibrating interrupted my thoughts. Sam was calling... 5 a.m. why is she up?

I touch the screen and answer the call.

"Rozz!" her voice ecstatic.

"Hey Sam," I choke out, I didn't even realize I was crying.

"Are you okay?" her voice worried, and I wipe a few tears from my face.

"I'm fine, just remembering some stuff that Mom did..." my voice trailed off and I hear a slight 'oh...' from the line. She knew about my mom and she was about the only one who did. "Umm well. I need to tell you something!" I say quite excited.

"Well tell me! Don't keep me waiting!" I could just picture her sitting up waiting for a juicy story.

"You know Kellin Quinn right?" I hear a shriek, she was my first experience with this type of music. "Well guess who's his cousin!" another shriek answered me. "Well I'm on tour with Sleeping with Sirens!"

"Are you serious?!" I can hear her feet as she does a quick little dance, then shrieks.

"Sam! Breathe!" I scream over the line. I hear a deep breath come from her.

"Life of a fangirl," she said, and I knew she could get much worse. Actually I had seen her worse. She passed out when she saw a guy in Walmart who looked like Tony Perry.

"Yessss, well I just wanted you to know I didn't forget about you, and I wanted to tell you that," I say rather fast when I hear movement in the bus. "OH! and get a ticket to the Houston show so I can see your beautiful self! and maybe even introduce you to Kellin!" I add.

"But he's not gonna be playing then?" she asked rather confused.

I explained how Kellin decided to go to all dates just to watch, and I hear a simple. "oh".

"Well I have to go! text me though!" I say before I press the end button and sit my phone down.

I finish my Monster and look at the now completely black sky. The sun will be coming up soon and the thought of the warm, sunny day made me smile.

I throw the can down and crush it with my foot. I pick it and my phone up and open the bus's door.

Sitting on the couch was Kellin and he didn't look happy with me.

Shit, I say in my mind. I'm in deep...


5am chapter update. so yeah probably lots of mistakes. Evidently the time was affecting Rozz too cause she didn't realize the 2hr time difference. Well I know no one is actually reading this story but to the 1 or 2 that is Thank you! I love you :) I promise it will get better! PROMISE

Congratulations (A Sleeping with Sirens/Pierce the Veil fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz