Chapter 20-The End

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"Lex!" Someone yelled. I searched the crowd. Jerome emerged carrying flowers and a teddy bear.

"Jerome!" I yelled running to him. He handed me the flowers.

"For you, I wanted you to feel welcome," He mumbled blushing.

"Thanks," I replied staring down at my feet. I was never nervous near Jerome but for some reason when our hands touch as he pulled me through the airport, my heart jumped. 

"I hope you don't mind the mess," Jerome muttered opening his car door for me. Old gum wrappers and gym clothes covered the floor. 

"It's fine." I said trying not to sound pissed off. The truth was I hated messy cars. "Where are we headed?" I asked brushing the crumbs off of my seat. Ew. 

"I know you are mad at Mitch and all but you two belong together." Jerome mumbled keeping his eyes on the road. I glanced over at him and waited for him to continue. "Please Lex, give him another chance"

"Another?" I scoffed. "I've given him fifty and he's ruined them each time."

"Lexi! Stop being such a witch and grow up! He made a mistake, you can't hold it against him forever." Tears slid down my cheeks.

"He cheated on me while I was asleep Jerome! While I was freaking sleeping in the same room!" I sobbed. 

"I know he can't change the past but he wants to change his future.." Jerome added pulling into a coffee shop on the side of the road. 

"I don't want to be in his future." I barked.

"Lex, he's dying." Jerome muttered looking at his hands. "He has a brain tumor." My eyes watered. "He wanted to experience all he could in his time left but Lexi he loves you." 


Mitch died on July 14th as I sobbed in the chair next to him. I will never forget him or the memories we shared. He was first love and I will never let him die in my heart. And when I ask God, why me? Why did I have such a terrible year. I lost the one I loved multiple times and other close friends.. I realize from these terrible experiences I will be stronger. So instead of asking Why Me?, I will now say thank you. 

~The End~

Thank you so much for the support over the past months... I am sooo sorry that I gave up on writing for the past 3 months. I am now done with this series and I am sorry it's kind of short (Is 20 Chapters short...?) I've been writing A LOT of first chapters but then I can't write any more.. I have soo many ideas in my brain but I don't know how to transfer them into stories (For example all of my unfinished stories). I hope you enjoyed Why Me? and I hope to put more stories out there for y'all to read. Thank you for over 1K reads, I love you all!

Xoxo, Cailin

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