"This does not concern you at all. I decide whether this is a risk I should take, not you, and if you don't like it then that's too damn bad. As I have told you, I am Shelby's only guardian and you cannot have a say unless I say so."

"Luke, I have kept my mouth shut about a lot of things, and let other things I disagreed with, eventually slide. But I will not stand around and let some troublemaking kid put her in harm's way. I fear for Shelby every time I know she's with Jess."

"You don't have a choice, Rachel, and as I said, you don't see everything that goes on. I bet you don't even know it was Jess's idea to call you that time when I yelled at her and she wanted to come stay with you."

Jess scoffed. "Yeah, big mistake, there."

Forgetting the kids were still standing there, Luke told his nephew once again to leave. In fact, he suddenly became aware again that they were standing in the diner putting on a show for the customers. Luke tried to put an end to it as not to prolong the show, but Rachel would not drop it.

"I'm relieved to hear that, but that still doesn't change the fact he put Rory's life at risk and could very well do the same with Shelby. What can I do to make you understand that, Luke?"

Finally, Babette, who had been listening with Miss Patty, spoke up. "You should really lay off the kid, sweetheart. We're all upset about what happened to Rory, but if Luke says the kid's harmless for Shelby to be around, we have to respect that. We respected it when he told us to lay off you. I don't think that'll be hard for you either, don't ya think?"

"Besides, dear, you don't want to be just like your own father, do you?" Miss Patty added. Since Rachel's family used to live there, the town was somewhat familiar with her family and the way they were, including her father and the feud he had with William.

Rachel stared at the floor. Knowing the last comment most likely struck a nerve, Luke asked her one last time, "Can you please just let me handle things?"

She kept her gaze towards the floor, letting out a sigh and shook her head. "I hear what you're saying. All of you," Rachel nodded at the older women. "I just can't seem to trust the kid."

"Well, whether or not you trust him, Jess is here for the long haul. So you're gonna have to get used to it."

Suddenly, Jess interrupted again, this time to get his uncle's attention regarding Shelby.

"What's wrong?" he asked, looking over in their direction.

"I don't know," Jess shrugged. "I told her we were leaving, but she doesn't seem to hear me and she's shaking like crazy. I think she might be having an anxiety attack or something."

"Shell?" Luke tilted his head, looking over at his daughter. "Shelby, hey, what's wrong, kiddo?" Shelby was staring at the floor, holding onto Jess's pants legs.

"Peanut?" Rachel also tried to get the kid's attention. "Is everything alright?" When her mom spoke, that's when Shelby suddenly snapped out of the blue. No one saw it coming either.

"I don' wan' you here anymore! Go away and don' come back!" Shelby was aiming those harsh, angry words towards Rachel.


The words kept coming as they poured out, along with a waterfall of tears. "Go away! Go away! GO AWAY!" Shelby repeated the same words a dozen times, now starting to hyperventilate. Jess ended up sharing a shocking look at Luke as she still stood behind him, now squeezing his pants legs tightly in her hands. The whole diner sat there in shock. Finally, she stuttered, "I-I-I..."

"Peanut, I'm just..."


No one knew the kid could reach maximum volume. The whole diner was in intense silence, looking from Shelby over to Rachel, who was standing there, frozen to the spot. All she could do was stare back at their daughter, at a loss for words.

As soon as Shelby blurted out those words, she buried her face in the back of her cousin's leg.

Luke was the one to break the silence. "Rachel..." But Rachel quickly left the diner, hurrying past where Jess and Shelby were standing. They all watched her leave, catching her through the window. He knew Shelby didn't really mean it, she was just extremely upset. The kid didn't hate anyone. But having heard those words directed at her, it had to sting a lot.

Looking over at the kids, Luke saw she still had her face buried and a guilty look on Jess's face for not leaving when his uncle first told him to.

"Poor thing," Luke heard Babette say, in sympathy.

Unable to stand there any longer, he made his way around the counter, over to peel his little buddy away from her cousin, and lifted her up into his arms. Shelby clung to his neck immediately. Later, once everyone had time to cool off, Luke tried to take Shelby over to have her apologize, but there was no response when he knocked on the door. Trying her studio next, Luke peered inside the glass doors, seeing all the lights off and the place locked up. So, they headed back to the diner where he tried calling her cell phone. Nothing.

Luke ended up giving Rachel a few days before he tried again. When he still couldn't reach her, he tried calling her sister and mom, but neither of them had seen or heard from her. Going back to Rachel's apartment, he used the spare key she gave him, in case Shelby wanted something that was left there whenever Rachel was out of town.

Unlocking the door, Luke headed inside, calling out for her. He checked every single room, finding the place vacant. While walking past the fridge where Rachel kept a message board, Luke saw there was a message for him.


Took a trip. Back... Not sure. Tell Shelby I still love her, even if...


He released a breath of air.

Luke slowly made his way up the stairs to his apartment, pausing at the top. One hand was on the banister. He took a deep breath before finally making his way over. It took all his strength just to open the door.

Jess was over, standing on the edge of his bunk, holding his arms on the edge of Shelby's, where she was curled in a ball. He looked up when Luke came in. "You find her?"

"Sort of," said Luke.

"What do you mean? Sort of?"

Luke made his way over, having Jess step down so he could take his place, stepping on the frame and not the actual mattress. "Shell?" He heard her sniff in before turning over to face him. Her face was tear-stained and her eyes were red from crying so much.

"Mom really gone?" she asked.

Luke found it hard to swallow but managed to do so. "I'm afraid so."

Shelby searched around before returning her gaze to him and, to his surprise, shrugged.

"You okay, kiddo?" he made sure.

She nodded, "Yeah."

"You sure?"

Again she nodded, but she didn't say much of anything else. Luke knew there was something going on. Shelby did care that her mom left. That was her fear. Now here it was, and she was fine? He didn't think so and reminded Shelby.

The kid just shrugged, looking everywhere but at him. Not getting anything else out of her, Luke let her be. For now, at least.

Luke just hoped Rachel would come back, and soon.

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