Chapter 4

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Early, Monday morning around five, Luke got Shelby up and ready for her first day at Stars Hollow elementary school. He made breakfast for the two of them. He noticed Shelby had been even more withdrawn ever since Luke had mentioned she was starting school, picking at her food at every meal and barely eating anything.

"Eat up, Shelby. You'll need your strength so you can learn things."

Shelby stared at her plate. Now and then she would nibble on a piece of bacon.

Luke brought her lunch he packed, over, setting it inside her backpack, noticing hardly any food has been touched. He kneeled beside her chair, holding a hand on the back of it. "Listen, I know it's scary going to a new school and I'm sure you're no stranger to a first day. This is the last time, I promise. You won't ever have to switch schools. I don't ever plan on moving us."

Her eyes were watering. She didn't turn her head or make any kind of movement.

"I'll be there when school lets out to pick you up. If something happens today, I can talk to your teacher right away and I will try my best to make it better."

Shelby continued to sit there, staring at her food. At least he got her to eat all of her bacon so she had something in her system.

When they were ready, Luke helped her with her shoes and jacket before they headed out to his truck.

At the elementary school, Luke led Shelby to the front office and filled out the necessary paperwork and gave the lady at the front desk Shelby's up to date immunization records Madison had given him.

The principal came out to meet Shelby first who hid behind her father's legs, wearing her hat and backpack.

"Welcome, Shelby," she tried to greet the little girl.

Luke explained about the hat when Shelby didn't respond.

As they started down the hallway towards the kindergarten classrooms, Shelby hooked her hand into Luke's, holding onto it, tight. Luke looked down at her and gave it a gentle squeeze. The three of them turned down another hallway where children's artwork covered the brick walls, stopping at the classroom on the very end before they reached a couple double doors. Different projects of a leprechaun were stapled to the wall over a large green paper background with a St. Patrick's day themed border.

Luke and Shelby waited outside while the principal, Mrs. Hardy, stepped into the classroom to fetch the teacher.

While still holding his hand, Shelby buried her face against his leg.

Truth be told, Shelby wasn't the only nervous one. This was technically Luke's first day milestone of being a dad. Didn't this usually come years after becoming a parent? Didn't dads get a few years to prepare for this? Luke only got a few weeks.

He looked around the hallway. Luke hadn't been there since him and his sister were kids. He remembered Liz grabbing onto his hand on her first day as well.

Mrs. Hardy returned, this time with another woman, a little younger than Luke.

"Luke," she said, surprised.

"Hello, Darla," he gave her a nod.

Darla smiled at Shelby. "And who might this be?"

Shelby darted behind Luke's legs again, hiding.

"This is Shelby," he introduced.

"It's very nice to meet you, Shelby." Darla was leaning over, trying to look around Luke, who explained the hat to her as well.

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