Chapter 9

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Sunday afternoon between the lunch and dinner rushes, Shelby had her first playdate with Liddy. Shelby didn't know what to do and kept looking over at her dad. Luke suggested showing Liddy her toys. She led the other girl over to the coffee table but just like with Rachel, didn't like Liddy touching her toys.

"Why can't I play with your toys?" she asked Shelby.

Shelby replaced the toy she had just taken from Liddy, back in its place.

Finally, Luke called Liddy over, kneeling to her level. "Try asking first," he suggested in a whisper.

"Okay," she said and went back over to the coffee table. "Can I please play with your toys?"

Shelby stared down at the brown dinosaur-like creature wearing a skull on its head like a mask and holding a bone that was molded against its tan stomach. It was actually a keychain like a few others she had but Shelby played with them all the same. She hesitated at first before stealing a look over at her dad, who gave her an encouraging smile and nodded. So, Shelby turned back to Liddy, and nodded, giving permission.

"Can I play with the butterfly?"

Shelby hesitated before reaching over to pick up the beanbag plushie of a blue-colored butterfly with big, red eyes and gave it to Liddy to play with.

Liddy flew it through the air above their heads.

Shelby rammed the dinosaur into the butterfly, knocking it out of her hand.

"That's not nice." Liddy picked up the butterfly and held it out to the dinosaur. In a different, gentle voice as if it was talking, she said, "That hurt. You should say you're sorry." Shelby answered by doing it again. "Now, stop that!" Liddy continued the voice. "You should play nice, Mister Dinosaur."

Shelby did it a third time.

Finally, Liddy got upset that time. "Shelby, stop it!" she cried in her normal speaking voice.

Luke came over. "Hey, what seems to be the problem?" He held his hands on his sides.

"Shelby keeps knocking the toy into mine," Liddy tattled.

He looked over to see Shelby holding her gaze to the floor, tensed up, and turned back to the other little girl. "Liddy, that's how Shelby normally plays. They battle one another."

"Why can't they just play nice?"

Luke turned back to Shelby. "Shell, can the Pokemons take a break from battling and just play with one another?"

She didn't respond or even lift her head.

"My brother watches this show. I've seen them play before," Liddy pointed out.

"Everyone needs a break to have fun, kiddo," Luke assured Shelby. After a moment, Shelby finally nodded. "Thank you, Shell." He waited, watching as she walked the toy over to the one Liddy had and held it to the butterfly as if it was hugging it. Luke smiled before returning to where he was working at the table.

The girls played for an hour. The talking was mainly one-sided. Luke couldn't help smile when Liddy slipped some encouragement into the play. Having a yellow, black striped, two-legged cat-like creature, also a keychain, tell an orange two-legged lizard with a flame on the end of its tail, that it was okay to talk and they didn't have to be afraid.

"No one will make fun of you and if they do, they are do-do heads," she said, in a squeaky voice.

Shelby turned hers around so its back was facing Liddy's.

"What's wrong?"

She pointed it, slightly towards the table.

"It's okay. You don't have to be sad. We'll be friends even if you don't talk."

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