Chapter 1

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(Follows the series up until April comes in then becomes AU, focused on Luke as a what if he became a father sooner than on the show. Please note, April and her mother do not exist in this AU. There will be dialogue from the show, as well.)

As a reminder, this story/TV show takes place during the 2000s. If you are easily offended/triggered, this may not be the story for you.

Lorelai and Rory had come in for their coffee and breakfast before Lorelai had to head over to the Independence Inn and Rory had to catch the bus for Chilton. Luke was his grouchy self as he took their orders.

The girls snickered as he walked away after Lorelai teased the guy again.

The diner's phone rang as Luke returned behind the counter and handed Caesar the latest order before answering it.


"Am I speaking with Lucas Danes?" It sounded like a woman.


"Hello, Mister Danes," she greeted, professionally.

"Please, no formals. Luke is fine," he assured her.

"Not a problem," she said.

"So, what can I do for you?"

"Well, my name is Madison Flores. I am with Child Services over in Providence, Rhode Island." It was strange someone from child services was calling him when Luke didn't have any kids. He had a nephew from his sister. They didn't live in Providence, though. Luke looked on at the floor, in confusion.

"I don't have any kids," he told her.

There was a short pause before Madison spoke. "Do you or have you ever known Rachel Hamilton?"

Luke stared at nothing in particular, still in confusion. "Yes...?"

"This never gets any easier and we normally don't do this, this far after the child comes into care. Maybe you should sit down, first."

"I'm fine. Just go on," he urged her, calmly.

"We met Rachel, five years ago, when she released custody and surrendered all rights over to us of her baby girl, Shelby Danes. She wanted Shelby to be adopted to a nice family so we went ahead and put her on the adoption waiting list. Usually, we try and contact other relatives within the first year, not five years later and I am really sorry for not doing so then. But Shelby isn't accepting anyone besides her mentor and she moved cross country to California when she graduated college." The woman must have realized she was rambling and stopped to make sure how Luke was doing. "Are you alright, Luke?"

"Yeah." Luke was stunned. No, he was beyond stunned. What was beyond stunned, Luke didn't have a word for it. "Ra...Rachel was pregnant?" He kept his voice down so no one in the diner could hear.

"Yes. We weren't sure if you knew or not. She just told us it would be better if Shelby was adopted. Well, our office just got a new supervisor and when she found out we never pursued the father, you, she... Well, she insisted we'd get into contact with you as soon as possible. I understand if you don't..." She paused. "...If you don't want any part of this. Shelby's getting to that age where it's harder to adopt. We've tried. One couple even tried for a year."

"Why hasn't she been adopted yet? What's the problem?" Luke quickly added, "don't get me wrong, I'm glad. I want my kid." He heard a sigh of relief. "I'm just curious."

"Shelby's shy, extremely shy. She hides behind or under furniture and refuses to come out and when we force her out, she lashes out which is strange because shy children are so withdrawn, they won't fight back. This kid is just so darn stubborn, though."

A Father's LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora