I think I have a fear of deer now, though. Just staring at these drawings is giving me flashbacks to when that damn thing charged at me. I have a feeling these items will be hot during Halloween, which is my busiest time of the year, since I always come out with the amazing costumes. My E/C orbs glance over to the male sitting on my counter, whose legs kick back and forth like an impatient child waiting for their parents to finish talking to an old friend they ran into. Seems he's a little bored, but I can't blame him. I opened three hours ago, and, yet, there's still no customers. I give a depressed sigh as I set down my pencil and hold up my head with my hands. My eyes pin to the door in hopes that, eventually, someone will enter, while Phil peers over his shoulder to look at me.

"Are you feeling okay? That dream's not still bothering you, is it?" He asks with clear worry in his tone, which I found sweet. I smile softly and shake my head.

"No, it's not that. It's just a little slow today, that's all. Usually someone comes in by now." Phil nods his head before returning to his thoughts. I always wondered what he thinks of to keep himself entertained as he sits here with me. Most often, he'd remain in one place, eyes shut and mouth closed like he was sleeping right side up. It's a little weird, yeah, but it's something I've grown used to over the years. Bored out of my mind, I stand up from my chair and head to the backroom to grab supplies.

'I think I'll get a head start on the headband. That should keep me busy for awhile.' Looking over what I have in stock, I also note what I'll need to complete my latest project. I'd need antlers as well as a few small trinkets that I wish to attach to the headwear, but I do have birdlike skulls left over from last year's Halloween supply, dark grey yarn, clear, plastic gems and, of course, a black headband. Managing to hold everything in one arm, I reach for the strongest glue I own before heading back to my desk to get started. Blue eyes open to watch me work my magic as I glue on three of the plastic skulls I pulled out of a small, net bag, but I stop suddenly upon hearing the entry bell ring. My head shoots up and I form a smile on my lips to greet the customer.

"Good morning! Welcome to Pins and Needles! Is there anything I can help you with?" I ask in a cheerful voice, happy to finally have a customer. My joyful expression falters a tad when I meet the stern, crystal blue eyes of a blonde-haired man who looks to be somewhere in his forties. He's sharply dressed in a grey, business suit that's of high quality with a bright red tie around his neck and two, pricey watches on his left wrist. The older gentleman stands tall at around 6'2 (187.96cm), which only adds to his intimidating build. I'm intrigued to say the least, I don't usually get customers who own such expensive attire. Slowly, I set down the headband as he approaches the counter with daunting steps. I have a feeling he's not happy, though his face is as blank as a fresh canvas. Still, I keep my smile, while my companion glares sharply at the individual as though he were giving a silent warning. It'd do no good in the end, for the man can't even see the cold look.

"Are you the owner of this establishment?" He asks in a rough, deep voice that I imagine a strict father would have while scolding a disobedient child. Instinctively, I gulp.

"Yes, I am." Cautiously, I stand, feeling as though I was about to be pounced on by the unknown male. Phil starts to tap his gloved fingers against the counter softly in front of me as if to remind me of his presence. It does comfort me knowing I'm not alone right now, so I take a deep breath to settle down.

"Last night, I came to hear of some very unpleasant news from my daughter, who claims that you have grabbed her inappropriately and dragged her forcibly out of your store. Is this true?" He asks, his voice, cold as ice. I bite the inside of my cheek as my eyes widen slightly in surprise at the accusations. Obviously, this is bubblegum girl's father, and, by the looks of it, I'm in major trouble. I certainly didn't see this coming, but no matter. I just have to stay calm. I didn't do anything wrong.

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