The Never Ending War (Prologue)

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I watched as the birds fluttered and take off to the never ending skies.


Just like we once were.

I stiffened up when I felt something behind and nearly let out a shout when something covered my eyes.

A small, joyful and playful hoot entered my ears.

"Hi mother!"


I grinned and plucked his tiny hands out of my eyes and proceeded to tickle him.

He squealed and started to hoot wildly when I spotted Caesar making his way towards me.

"You shouldn't be out here Kira"

"I know but its just that...I felt like I needed to go out"

Caesar smiled slightly and we pressed foreheads together.

The war has left many apes scarred that they started to follow the humans and work for them as slaves.

Most of them, were followers of Koba.

I felt a sick feeling every time that name was brought up. That scarred bonobo managed to frighten me even in my dreams that sometimes I woke up screaming.

Luckily, that was all over.

"Do you have any news of Rocket and Blue Eyes?"

Caesar frowned and shook his head and I bit my lip in worry.

Blue Eyes had gone off with Rocket to find a place where all of us apes could live in peace and harmony.

No more wars.

No more suffering.

But it had been days since they left.

Cornelius whined at my sorrowful expression and I grinned and hugged him.

A loud hoot caught our attention and a scout I recognized as Spear was running in our direction.

"Humans are attacking the border!"

My eyes widen and Caesar stiffened up. A low growl came from his mouth.

"Kira, you and Cornelius head back to home. I'll have to deal with this problem first"

I smiled and pressed our opened palms together.

"Please be careful"

"I will"

Caesar immediately hooted for Luca and Maurice as well as Winter.

The four left the clearing as I headed back to our home.

I met up with Amy and Adeline on the way and they signed with worry.

"Did you hear what happened?"

I nodded as I set Cornelius down. The little chimp ran towards my mother who in turn nodded at me and went off to play with Lake and the other baby chimps.

"Do you think Ryker and Livius are okay?"

Amy signed and I grinned and chuckled a bit.

"Don't worry Amy, uncle Gio and father is with them. I doubt they needed any more protection than that"

I made my way over to Caesar and I's nest and lay down to rest.

When will this war end?

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