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Chapter 1

Grace's POV

(Dreaming the day before Magcon)

"Hey Grace I'm Cameron! Your brother has told me so much about you!" Cameron Dalles pulls me into a bear hug interlocking our figures and I blush.

"Ohmygosh hi!" I tried to play off that little incident.

It obviously didn't work because Hayes said, "Gracie's blushing! Gracie's blushing!" Hayes pokes me in the sides and causes me to flinch. Cameron pulls away.

"Please don't, baby! Come on Cam please! Let's cuddle,"

"Okay I love you baby!" He takes my hand and we sit down on the couch to talk. I'm still six years younger than him, but I don't care. He sits up and I lay with my head in his lap.

Wait I'm now half awake and I can feel bit the mattress next to me sag. That doesn't sound like the Cameron Dallas that sounds like Hayes.

"Love you I wa-" I'm interrupted by laughter. It was Hayes. I must have been talking in my sleep again. I flap my eyes open and start swatting at the now cracking up Hayes.

Hayes' POV

"Hayes! Go wake up Gracie we leave in two hours and she needs to pack!" Mom yelled at me in her thick southern accent.

"Why do I have to do it?" I whined.

"Because she's your twin and you were supposed to wake her up at four." I stare down at my phone and it says 4:34 am. Shoot. We have to be leaving now! My flight leaves at 6.

I run up the stairs to our room at the end of the hall and walk in.

"Please don't, baby! Come on Cam please let's cuddle!" She's sleep talking again. I hold back a laugh and respond pretending to be Cameron. She's been dreaming a lot about him lately. She likes him case closed.

"Okay I love you, baby." I sit on her bed and hold her in my arms. I have to bite my lip to hold back the laughter so hard that I taste blood.

"Love you I wa-" I can't help it! It halarious! My twin is falling for Cameron Dallas, Nash's best friend. I look at the time. Shoot. It's 4:56. She starts swatting me. I laugh even harder.

"We've gotta go now! The plane leaves in an hour and 59 minutes and we still have to pick up Taylor!"

"Hayes! Why didn't you wake me at four like you were supposed to?"

"Because I didn't want to. Mom made me," I get up off her bed and help her up. She dashes to the bathroom and takes a five minute shower. I've never seen anyone get ready that fast. Ever. Not even a guy.

We say good bye to mom and Skylynn because they're not going.

Nash's POV

We pull up onto Taylor's driveway and I have Hayes go knock on the door.

"Why do I have to do it just honk!" He whined.

"I can't do that. How many people do you know that like hearing the honk of a horn at 5 am?" Hayes it quiet, I smile "that what I thought."

"Can't you do it?" He whined.

"Just do it, Hayes!" Gracie groaned.

"Someone's crabby," Hayes said dryly.

"Oh I'm sorry I was just interrupted in the best dream ever," did she just say that, "fine ill do it!"

Grace gets out of the car and knocks on the door.

Magcon Madness (a Matthew Espinosa & Cameron Dallas Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now