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THE SEQUAL IS FINALLY UP! I couldn't come up with a title, for the longest time, but here it is! The story is titled A New Beginning! Go to my profile and it should be the first one (unless I feel strangely productive and end up working on something else, but it's there; don't worry!)

I'd like to thank you guys for sticking with my story! Some of you have been here since I uploaded to book and just because you were the first one to read, comment, or vote this book, that doesn't mean I love you more, (though you are pretty cool) I love all my readers equally. I wish I could hug each and every one of you and personally thank you but there are over 1,000 of you! THAT'S MORE PEOPLE THAN THE STUDENTS THAT ATTEND MY HIGH SCHOOL! Oh yeah! Did I forget to tell you guys that I'm a... *drum roll* FRESHMAN!!!! AHHHHHHH! I'm so excited yet nervous, but I have the whole summer to update! Anyways... for the last time on this book, I love you guys! (I may or my not be tearing up as I write this haha)


Grace🌴 (lol the palm tree is back!)

Magcon Madness (a Matthew Espinosa & Cameron Dallas Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now