Chapter 6

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Christopher's POV

As Christopher and Lady Sann walked over to a fire close to them, they could see the men situated around it, sitting on logs and loudly conversing into the night.

There was no sign of the sun as the many fires burning around the battle camp provided the only light against the dark night.

When they were close enough to the group sitting around the fire, everyone turned around to look at them. More so at the beautiful Lady on Christopher's arm.

Just as Christopher had been when he had first seen her, they were all mesmerised by her looks. He cleared his throat in hopes to take the attention away from her but no such luck.

"Gentleman, this is Lady Sann." Christopher introduced to his brothers in arms. These four gentleman sitting before him were the last knights in King William's army other than him. The battle of Hastings had taken a toll on the number of high ranked soldiers. The five of them had been raised up and trained together in Normandy.

The bulky and tall figure of Sir Gavin the Mighty was closest to them and he rose to his feet and gave a quick bow to Lady Sann. "My name is Sir Gavin, Lady Sann, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance." He had the strength of an ox and a strong face to accompany it with short brown hair that surrounded his face.

Gavin sat back down and the youngest of our group, the brown haired and green eyed Sir Charles stood up. He too, took a bow and quietly said, "Pleasure to meet you milady, my name's Charles." Christopher saw Charles like a little brother and he knew him too well. Right now by the faint pink in Charles' cheeks it was obvious that the presence of a beautiful lady was affecting him. The colour was already rising to the roots of his dark black hair. He evaded his light blue eyes from making contact with the lady.

Charles sat down and next rose the best tracker in the army. His black hair and dark eyes, allowed him to blend into the night easily and complete any task that was assigned to him. Sir Roger the Fox they called him. "My name is Sir Roger milady." Roger said in a deep voice and then took his seat on the log again.

Last but not least, the blonde haired charmer of their group stood up. But instead of following in the rest of the group's footsteps and bowing at his spot, Sir Nick the Ladies Man, took a few steps in Lady Sann and Christopher's direction.

Nick spoke up in a smooth tone, "Sir Nick, at your service milady." Then he brought Sann's hand up to his lips and placed a kiss there without breaking his green eyed gaze.

Christopher desired nothing more than to tear his brother in arms away from the angel but he held his ground. He forcefully gritted his teeth. She was not his, he repeated to himself.

Lady Sann took her hand away from Nick's grasp and slightly leaned in closer to Christopher's side. However small the act was, it brought great pleasure to know Lady Sann preferred Christopher's closeness instead of Nick's advancements.

Somewhat disappointed that he hadn't received the effect he usually had on women, Nick took his seat again in defeat. Christopher could see Roger snickering under his breath at Nick's failure.

Gavin slid over his big body to make room for Christopher and Lady Sann on the log. "It's a pleasure to meet you." Lady Sann told the knights in her melodic voice.

Gavin spoke up in his deep voice, "What do we owe the pleasure of having the company of a beautiful lady such as yourself in the army camp of King William?"

Christopher spoke up for Sann and said, "After this morning's raid on Colchester Castle, I came across Lady Sann in the forest who was in need of help. She had a run in with a group of smugglers."

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