Chapter 5

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Christopher's POV

Christopher was nervous if he was to admit it. Nervous of where Lady Sann was going to decide to stay. He hadn't liked the look the Commander had been giving to her.

She was the epitome of beautiful, of course a man would look. Every single man in the camp had been looking in her direction, eyes trained on her, while they were walking. That walk through the camp had shown him just how stupid of an idea bringing her to this camp had been.

Lady Sann opened her full lips and said, "I will choose to stay in the tent Sir Christopher has provided me with if that is alright with you commander. I wouldn't want to burden you."

Christopher visibly relaxed at hearing this and he tried to restrain the content that he felt on the inside.

Commander Alistair seemed to be taken aback a little but he quickly gathered himself as to not giveaway his obvious sadness at her choice.

"You wouldn't burden my lady. But very well, if that is your wish. The sun will be setting soon. I presume you're hungry Lady Sann. And I will trust Sir Christopher to attend to your every need." Alistair said.

"Of course commander." Christopher replied. He didn't need the commander to order him for Christopher to help Sann. He would do it anyway.

Lady Sann bowed her head slightly in thanks and then they both left Alistair's tent.

They started walking back towards Christopher's tent in silence. After a few minutes, he couldn't hold his words in and saw the need to explain himself.

"I didn't want to be persistent in there milady. I just thought it would be better for you to stay in another tent since the commander didn't know what you really are." He said.

To be honest, that wasn't the only reason why he wanted Lady Sann to stay in his tent. He wanted to stay close to her, be beside her. It was the same feeling he had felt when he first found her. He was being pulled to her.

"And I will protect you. You don't have to worry about any harm coming to you while you are with me Lady Sann." Christopher added quickly.

Sann turned to Christopher and reached out with her hand. Christopher watched her movements with wide eyes as she touched her fingers to his cheek.

Her head tilted slightly as she asked, "Why does your cheeks blush sometimes? It happened in the tent as well."

Christopher looked back at Lady Sann without knowing what to say. How could he explain that when it came to her, everything he felt was improper.

"M-milady, my cheeks gain colour when I feel like I have done something wrong. Like I was too persistent back then with the commander and while I was witnessing a lady undress." Christopher tried to miserably explain.

Sann took her hand away and Christopher instantly missed her touch. His body even wanted to outrageously do something such as leaning towards her to prevent her hand from pulling back but he quickly caught himself.

Christopher tried to evade his eyes from Lady Sann's gaze. He frustratedly combed his hair back with his hand as he tried to will the colour go back to the depth of his skin and never see the light of day again. He was acting like a teen for crying outloud. He needed to get a grip.

Sann looked back at him with the information Christopher had given her and nodded.

Then they started walking back to the tent again. It wasn't long before they arrived at the tent and went in.

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