Chapter 2

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Angel's POV

Everything was bathed in darkness. She could feel nothing and everything at once.

Once, up above the sky, she illuminated the Earth down below like a star in the night sky and now... all the warmth from her energy was long gone.

She didn't remember. Why they threw her out. Why they left her to crash onto mortal land. All she wanted to do was to spread her wings and conquer the skies once again.

But she knew that was impossible. Her wings refused to obey her and she was certain no one would take her back up there. Her heart ached from the torment of being far away from home.

She didn't know anything else than the calm presence of the clouds and now she was on a foreign land with humans.

She wanted to scream and shout and release her cries to the sky that refused her.

Instead she tried to make her way through the darkness that now happened to engulf her.

She could feel the vessel she was in. A human body that her true form wasn't accustomed to. And her body had this strange feeling.

It was almost as if it ached. The mundane flesh easily hurt by the fall. She tried to move it.

A finger on her right hand slightly moved.

Then she tried to command the rest of the muscles in her body to do the same. She was unaccustomed to it but slowly all of her bodily functions were proper.

And at last, she forced her eyes open, to see for herself what kind of Hell she had been condemned to.

The first thing she noticed was an old, worn, navy fabric. She was laying down and straight above, there was a roof that was made from some kind of cloth.

She tilted her head slightly and inspected it more carefully. It looked like a tent. Once she was sure of that, she slowly turned her head to the side to gaze upon the rest of her surroundings from her lying position.

And as soon as she turned her head to the right, she found a pair of warm brown eyes looking at her.

Out of reflex, she quickly sat up and tried to gain footage to defend herself.

But before she could get to her feet, the human raised his hands up and said, "Milady, I mean no harm."

Hearing the human speak, the tension eased from her body a little, but her guard was still up. When the human was certain that she would not attempt to flee, he slowly lowered his arms.

This gave her time to truly gaze upon the first human she had seen since opening her eyes. He had brown hair and brown eyes on his chiseled, strong face. He seemed to be a warrior from the apparent muscles on his body and that did nothing to dispel the angel's view of him as a threat.

But something in the human's eyes was gentle. Warm even. And after being thrown out from her home, with a fiery pain burning inside her chest, she wanted nothing more than gentle and warm.

She couldn't stop herself. This was her first time being this close to a human. She slowly got up from the cot she was lying on and inched her way closer to the human that was sitting on the wooden stool.

The human was simply watching her as she closed the distance between them and finally came to a stop standing in front of him.

The human was now looking up to be able to see her face. There was something in his brown eyes. Something she didn't know the name of. She recognised it but couldn't quite place it.

The angel slowly raised her hand and touched the side of the human's face. He jumped a little at the contact but didn't deny her so she found courage and continued on. His skin was soft and rough all at once, she marvelled at the feel of it. She didn't know how to describe it but her hand tingled when it touched his skin. His lips parted a little on the touch and he expelled air.

She watched his face as something set alight on his face. And something more... the angel felt like she knew him.

Yes. She knew this human.

The angel used her voice to say it out loud.

"I know you." She said softly. The human's brows knitted together.

The angel repeated again, deep in thought, "I know you." But she couldn't recall where he knew this human from or when she met him. She knew those warm brown almost hazel eyes. And the wavy chestnut hair that fell to the middle of his forehead in a few escaped strands. She knew the plump redness of his slightly apart lips and strong jaw. The haze on her memories made it so hard to grasp, almost like a blind had been pulled over her mind.

Frustrated with her lack of memories and knowledge, the angel took her hand away from the human's face and stepped back.

Just then, a breeze flew in from the entrance of the cave and the angel felt it on her skin. This made her look down upon her body. It was in a long tunic shirt that reached just above her knees. It was strange to feel cold. It was unfamiliar for her.

The human spoke again and her attention returned to him, "My name is Christopher my lady. What shall I call you?"

The angel thought about how to respond to his question. She couldn't remember anything. Not even her name. She tried harder to bring it back to her.

"S... Sann... San-" She started but the rest evaded her tongue. Her mouth released a frustrated sigh.

The human, Christopher must have realised her trouble and her lack of memory, so he aided her. "The fall you have suffered must not have been an easy feat, it's normal to have problems. Until you can remember, if you wish we can call you Lady Sann." His voice was gentle and soft. Like he was scared of running her away.

Sann nodded her head for Christopher and slowly sat back on the cot.

"Where am I?" Sann asked to Christopher.

"You are in the army camp of King William of England." He stopped for a moment and then continued. "I saw you fell from the sky and found you in the forest. Then brought you here so your wounds could be tended to."

She remembered the pain from the fall, but nothing else. Not before or after. It was like she was thrust into darkness. Sann looked up at Chris and said, "Thank you."

There was a little silence as they looked at each other, both trying to understand the other. Then Christopher stood up and said, "This is the tent that I reside in, you can stay here. I will go and try to find garments for you to dress in." He started walking but just before he exited the tent, he stopped and turned to Sann.

"For the time being, it would be wise not to tell anyone else that you fell from the heavens, my Lady." And with that, he left the tent.


So okay, this chapter is shorter than the first one. It wasn't that boring now was it?

Anyways, what do you think will happen. A woman, an angel in the army camp.

And what do you think would happen if other people learned about Sann being an angel?

And where does Sann know Christopher from?

These are all good questions....

Onwards we go, to the next chapter!

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