September 2nd, 2017

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Today after XC was over and we were talking under the picnic shelter, you asked me if I would be your girlfriend. I said yes and I'm so happy I did because you're the best thing that has come along in the past few months. I hope we last a long time and nothing gets in the way of us... I look forward to having the best of everything with you, and seeing where time takes us. 
        You are so amazing. Your personality is gold, you're so kind, and loving. You want the best for me and you help me through the hard times. You're so smart and I'm very thankful I met you. I hope everything goes right for us, I know relationships have arguments and such but I don't want a lot of those. 
           I'm sorry in advance for anything I might do wrong, I know it'll happen sometime. I promise no matter how much I mess up, I do like you. Even if I get mad and tell you to leave, I'm just mad. Thank you for giving me a chance with everything that I have. 
          ~Unsaid Things to my boyfriend~

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