Something I want to respond with

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Now that my phone has decided to not be a dick, I was finally able to see that you messaged me and read the chapter that you wrote. 

        I wish that things would have happened differently, but they happened the way they did and everything happens for a reason. (well almost everything, not to use it as an excuse either) A lot of the things I said during our fight, you're correct, I didn't mean. I only said them because I was super upset and mad and I know now that I shouldn't have. I've always wanted the best for you and I hope that only good things have come your way since we graduated. I saw that you got your first tattoo (I hope it didn't hurt to much) it looks so cute! Little trash panda lol that was such an adorable idea, Tayton is great isn't he? Kind of quiet but that's ok, I can't wait to get more. I'm glad that we were able to spend time together during Showcase and lunch together without having to stay on the opposite ends of the school and table. Ethan is doing great and he's growing so much, he'll be 4 soon and I can't even believe it's been that long already. He's almost half way to 10, if you think about it. I can bring him in sometime when you're working so you can see him, if you'd like. 

A lot has changed even in the past month already and I can't believe it.  I moved out into a cute little 2 bedroom house on Adams (I'll give you the address if you want to stop by sometime) and have 3 little furbabies (Cats; Apollo, Aphrodite, and Belle) Ethan has his own room which he loves, and it's close to the Rec and the Zoo, which is also handy. I have a wonderful boyfriend, who I can be weird with (which is a blessing) we've been together for around a month and he loves Ethan and they play together all the time, when he's actually home. His name is Joshua, he works in the oil field (pipe tester) and he's our age. I work with his twin sister Julia, which also comes in handy. I love having my own house to take care of and keep clean, it's like... It's like when your locker used to get kind of cluttered ya know? You felt really good when you cleaned it out and it was organized again, or at least I did. I have you unblocked so if you'd like to get ahold of me you can and we can catch up. 

I want the best for you, always, and if you ever need anything I'm always here 

Ti Amo, DC ~       



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