Mad Sounds

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I know you're not ever going to see this but I wish you could. I hope you're doing ok, I wish I could talk to you or see you. I'm really happy that you still have your house and job and are still going to church. But I wish I could talk to you, I miss going over there and spending time with you and listening to you play. I still fall asleep to those videos I took sometimes. I love listening to you play, I always have. I'm very thankful for the guitar that you gave me and I play it as much as I can, though it's hard without an amp. I hope some time soon we can fix what went wrong and talk again. You're the only one I have that connection with and I want it back so badly... I miss you. I wish I could see you... You have no idea how much you have impacted my life and how much of your personality is in mine. A lot of the things that I did in high school and now are because of you. You were the best senior that I had, I looked up to you because of how well you handled everything that you went through. I still look up to you. I wish I had you to teach me how to play or give me advice when things go wrong. I miss hearing your voice. I want so badly to go back and change all of the things that I did wrong and have you back, and believe me, if I could fix it, I would in a heartbeat. You're the most important person to me that isn't family, and I miss you. I miss our talks, how I could bring anything up and you would give me the best answer that you had. I know you probably don't think about me at all or wonder how I'm doing or what I'm up to. But I wonder about you all the time. I wish I knew how you were doing or if you needed help with anything. I wish I knew if you thought about me when you see something or hear a song. I wish I knew...

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