More things

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Sorry I haven't updated in awhile.... I just kinda get going in things and forget to update. Things are still kinda the same with me, there's only very few people I want to be around anymore. There's even fewer people I want to be with relationship wise. I miss you and I'm glad that we can still talk. I just wish we could see each other... I'm glad you're at least alive though. 

There's not really a whole lot to write about because nothing has really changed... I still care about you and I still miss you. I want you to be ok and I want you to know that I would be delighted if you came over. I miss you so much and I want to see you... I would love a hug from you or to fall asleep in your arms or another shirt... I think about you all the time and constantly wonder how you are doing. You're on my mind a lot and I wish you weren't because I think about you a lot... I will always care about you no matter how  much you think I don't or won't... 

Showcase is coming up soon and I want to ask if you want to come but I know you'll say no... I want you to see all the things I work on because I know (or hope) you'll be proud of me but it's always no because of your job... And I understand that, it's just disappointing... I wish you could see me... You'd be proud of me... I wish things could be the way they were a few months ago... I want that back so bad and I just want to be held in your arms... I want all the yelling and fighting to go away.... I just want you to be here with me while all of this is happening.... I miss you... I felt safe with you and I lost that for a while... I'm glad I have it back, I just wish I could be there with you instead of here in the fighting.....

~Unsaid Things to him~

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