Old Habbits

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We hung out today and it was the greatest thing ever, we just sat and talked. We went out to your truck and just sat and talked for 3 1/2 hours straight without a care in the world. I laid on your lap for most of it and you played with my hair and looked into my soul with those beautiful brown eyes of yours that I fell in love with. We talked about life, about an "us" again, and lots of other things. I miss you so much and you don't have any idea... I loved it when you would tuck a stray hair behind my ear or just when you played with it. We held each other for about an hour, and I miss that. 

We used to talk all the time and now, we only talk once in awhile... I hate it, because I miss you. I miss you a lot. I can still remember the first time I came over to your house, our freshmen year. Then we fell in love and... I haven't fallen back out yet... I still love you. I always will, no matter who I'm with. I can still taste you from the kiss we shared earlier... I was getting mad about something and you looked right t me and kissed me in such a passionate way, I've never experienced before... I loved it, I love your kisses though so that's not a surprise. 

I wish you could see how much I care about you, how much I worry... I stayed up till 4:30 in the morning the day you had surgery because I was so scared for you. I was scared the day you rode, I paced a clear path in my carpet. I have always been scared when you ride, but I will always support you in it because I know how much you love it. I don't want them to take it from you and I wish your best friend would pay more attention to you and rodeo instead of her... I know it hurts you and if there was something I could do for you, I'd do it. 

I hate seeing you in pain and I know how badly your arm hurts... I've prayed so many times for God to give the pain to me and take it away from you but... It hasn't happened yet... I wish I could take it from you, I would if I could... All I want to see you is happy. I love your smile, how soft your eyes get... You are truly happy. But only when you are around, talking about, or getting ready for a rodeo. 

I know you don't miss me, but I miss you more then you could ever know... I miss everything about you... And I'd give anything to have you back. 

              ~Unsaid Things to a boy I'm in love with

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