Chapter Seventeen

670 25 11

6 months later


Zayns pov:

So me and Niall have been living with each other for 6 months now and its been amazing. He has a full time job down at the local pub and he sometimes gets to perform so thats a huge bonus for him. I'm still a teacher at the college and to some of the other teachers me and Niall have only just recently started dating. We don't want it to look like we were dating while he was in school even though thats what we did.
Because me and Niall have been very busy recently and haven't been able to have dates or anything I finally was able to organise one tonight so I'm excited about that and I really hope he enjoys tonight


Niall pov:

So I got home and there was Zayn in the lounge getting ready. As soon as he saw me he got up and walked over to me

"Hey babe, Ive organised dinner tonight. Please tell me you can make it" he said

To his luck I was free.

"Yeah I can actually. Where we going?"

"It's a surprise" he giggled

"Zayn. Surprises are annoying"

"Its just a casual dinner Niall I just feel that our romance is a bit dead recently"

This shocked me because I thought we were going strong. Oh well at least he wanted to fight for it even if it wasn't 'dead' like he said.

"Okay Zayn. Should I get ready now or..."

"Ahhh yeah. Take your time though. Nothing is really scheduled" he replied

I went up stairs to take a quick shower. I stood there with the water running over my head. Im still a little hurt that Zayn thought our romance was dead.
I got out the shower and blow dried my hair into the style I like and the Style I know Zayn loves. I picked out some clothes and started getting changed


I walked down stairs and Zayn must of got prepared down stairs because he was in all different clothing. He was wearing a grey long sleeve shirt and some distressed black Jeans. His hair was styled into a tidy quiff with a slight shine to it. He looked so much better then me I thought to myself.

"Wow babe... you look good" Zayn said

I scoffed

"No way. You look amazing Zayn" I replied

He walked up to me and grabbed my hand. He then pulled out a blind fold.

"I'm gonna put this around your eyes okay? I want this to be silly special. Like if we were 16 again"

I giggled

"Sure but you better make sure I don't bump into anything. I hate being blind but I'm trusting you."

He giggled

"Okay babe."

The last thing I saw was his beautiful face until he started wrapping the fabric around my head. Firmly enough that it wouldn't hurt.

"Is that tight enough?" He said

"Yeap" I replied

He then grabbed my hand and pulled me towards him.

"Okay you ready to go?" He said

"Yes" I replied

He lead me out the house and then to his car. He helped me in and then well... there was nothing else to tell as I don't know what is happening.


"And WAALLA!!" He said as he took off my blind fold.

I looked in awe. He had set up a little bonfire on the beach. There was a log and food and drinks next to it. The sun was just setting and the ocean looked beautiful. Not as beautiful as Zayn of course.

"Aww Zayn this is amazing, thank you" I said as I wrapped my arms around him.

"Anything for you Niall" he hugged back


We had just finished eating and drinking. I noticed Zayn was keeping the talk quite small. It was starting to scare me. Was there something wrong with him? Has he set this all up like the fault in our stars just to tell me he has cancer?

"Niall... I have a question"

Oh boy... he has cancer... I can't believe it.

"Yes?" I replied anxiously

"Babe. You make my world spin. You make the stars twinkle in the sky. You make the planets move around the solar system. You are my everything and you give me a purpose to live. Every morning I wake up thinking about you and to have you there right next to me is everything. You are my blessing and I am so thankful for you. Niall I love you and I always will forever. I know Ive said that before so thats why I think its time to take it to the next level"

Oh god. He isn't telling me he has cancer. Is this actually happening?

"Niall James Horan" he said as he stood up and got down on one knee

I began to tear up. I can't believe he is doing this. He pulled out a small box and opened it. It had a small diamond ring in it.

"Will you make me the happiest man on the earth and marry me."

"OMG YES YES YES ZAYN!!" I replied

I couldn't believe it. Zayn just proposed to me. We are going to be husbands

"Oh my god" he said.

He put the ring on my finger and then stood up. We wrapped our arms around each other and began to kiss.

"Niall. I have a second question"

"Yes Zayn?"

He smirked

"Can we go skinny dipping?"

The sun had set by now.

"Okay" I replied

We continued kissing and then we took of our clothes. Zayn stood in all his glory. He had such an amazing body I loved it. I then got down to my birthday suit and we ran out to the ocean.


We stood there hugging each other naked in the ocean. There was nothing but the sound of waves.

"Niall James Malik, sounds nice" Zayn said.

I giggled

"God I love you Zayn."

"I love you to Mr Malik"

And then we went back to being silent. Just two men... In love.


Oh my god that's the end 😭 Sorry if the story is disappointing but it was my first. I already have another story idea but I wanna get a few more chapters out of my other one "lonely boy"
Thank you so much for reading ❤️ it means so much. Please vote follow and comment on this last chapter 💕 Thank you so much again for the love I got and please continue to read my other books ;)

Teachers pet (gay fanficntion, ziall)Where stories live. Discover now