Chapter Six

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Niall pov:

-A few days later-

School had been pretty casual recently, okay that was the biggest lie. Me and Zayn were always stumbling around each other and I just don't know what to do anymore. I thought maybe I needed to take my mind of him and... try dating again?

School had just finished and I texted someone to meet up with, I was feeling a little lonely and well I needed that affection that I wasn't getting from Zayn. I guess I was hurting and just wanted someone.

"Hey Ni"

"Hey Haz, thanks for coming"

He pulled me into a tight embrace and it felt nice. We stayed like this for a few seconds.

"So.. whats up Ni, you seem a bit down recently"

"Well I just kinda feel alone ya know, I like this guy and he obviously doesn't feel the same about me. It sucks"

"Oh Ni you will be okay, your an amazing guy and he's stupid for not going for you"

He's actually smart for not going for me I thought to myself, he could get fired. I mean I turn 18 in a few months and Im leaving school soon so.... anyway I didn't mention any of this to Harry

"Yeah thanks Haz."

He softly smiled to me and touched my hand

"I'm here for you Ni okay?

I smiled at him and then we stood there in silence for a few seconds

"Ni... do you remember when we went to that Ice cream shop down town... you know the one with the amazing Ice cream"

I giggled


"I miss that day. I brought you a cone and as soon as we got out you dropped the ice cream. At the time you were so upset and so devastated and I just wanted to laugh. You were so adorable. You were so adorable then and you were so adorable now"

"Haz... I already told yo..."

"But Ni... I'm really trying to make a effort with you. I see us having a future together. I see you in my future"

"Oh really? Do you also maybe see another man because you said those words last time Harry"

He looked at me quiet shocked. I could tell he was hurt

"I'm sorry Harry it's just it took me a little while to get over you and I don't think it could ever work again. You just left me to hang while you went and sleep with another man. I had to cry while you were happy and it only lasted a few months and now you want me back? It's not fair Harry. I don't deserve to be a toy that when you get bored of you throw away"

"Ni plea..."

"Harry please stop. Your making me a..."

Harry then forced himself onto me.

"Mmmh Ha mmmmh uh"

He was kissing me and wouldn't stop. He was feeling me up and I didn't know what to do. He was much taller then me and much stronger. I tried pushing him but my efforts proved to fail. He pulled his lips away

"C'mon Ni just let me in"

"Harry don't do this please"

"What the fuck happened to you calling me Haz, it was more cuter"

I couldn't say anything else because he started kissing me again. I started to cry. He was felling my hips with his hands and started to grab me quiet tightly

"Mmmwahh Harry your hurting me" I cried

He just ignored what I said and continued kissing me. He started to rub up my torso. I couldn't push his hands off. It felt disgusting, I felt completely helpless and all I could do was cry and constantly over and over ask him not to do this.

"Harry please I'm not ready ple..."

"Niall I've waited so long for you and you never came. I'm getting what I deserve for being such a kind person to you"

I started crying harder. This was it I was going to be raped by my ex boyfriend.


Me and Harry got a fright and as soon as Harry released I took a few steps back. I was terrified of Harry but then my superhero came to save me. It was Zayn
He grabbed Harry by the collar of his shirt

"You better get home boy or you will have hell to pay"

Zayn was practically spitting in Harrys face. He looked so... hot. He was all tensed up and flexed and I just stood in aw as the man I adored was protecting me. He probably only did it because he saw his student about to be raped

"Y..y... yes sir"

Harry was released from Zayn's hand and ran off. All that was left was me and Zayn. He looked at me and I looked at him. He was about to say something but he just looked away and began to walk away"

"Wait Zayn... comeback"

Woah a daily update? I will probably update tomorrow because I already have a thought on the next chapter ❤️remember to vote and follow me and leave a nice comment 💋

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