Chapter Twelve

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Niall pov:

I woke up from being snuggled by Zayn. His large biceps were wrapped around me tightly. Not to the point where it was uncomfortable and I couldn't breathe but to the point where I felt secure. I looked up at him and he was still asleep. He looked so beautiful. Like a fucking angel. I was so happy but then I remembered. I'm not even legal yet and this man is my teacher. Was this wrong? I didn't really give a shit if it was because I had not been this happy in a long time. Matter of face I had not been this happy ever.
I laid my head back on his chest and he woke up.

"Morning princess" he said

I blushed. I liked him calling me princess. He should call me that more often.

"Morning my king" I said back and he giggled

He started to rub my arms and soon travelled down my hips.

"How about round two?" He said

"Uhhhhh" I replied

He moved his hand to my ass and slightly grabbed

"Owwww no Zayn... it hurts"

"Sorry Ni. I should of gone a bit more easier for your first time"

"No its okay I don't regret it. I just can't do round two because well... It's really sore"

He laughed and continued to cuddle me.



The tanned man begin to speak

"Do you think we should uhm... tell your mum at least? Like she is such a nice lady and I don't want to get to know her more based on a lie. I would love to get to know your family more Niall but I don't want to lie"

"But Zayn... what would you do if she totally shut you out because your quite older then me and my teacher?"

Zayn thought for a while but spoke up

"Zayn I respect you and your mum but... I couldn't simply leave you alone. I couldn't just leave. That could never happen. I would never walk away from you and I promise so when we do tell your mum and if she does disagree with it well... tough because I'm not leaving you Ni and I told you I loved you last night and I don't make up stuff like that. Thats not the person I am okay?"

I smiled. I loved how dedicated Zayn was to loving me. I thought I was the one who overly loved him but yeah.

"Okay Zayn... we will tell her Wednesday. The day after my birthday okay? I don't want her thinking that we have had sex and that I was underage even though we did and I was underage"

"Fuck" Zayn spoke up

"I completely forgot you were 17. I'm so sorry Ni"

I snuggled my head into his neck

"No it's okay Zayn. I won't tell anyone and I'm not going to get you into any trouble"

Zayn looked at me and smiled

"I really do love your Ni."

"I love you too baby"

And then we kissed for a while


Zayn was cooking some eggs on toast for breakfast and it smelled delicious

"Wow Zayn. Didn't know you could cook"

He giggled

"Well my mum loves to cook and it's something I picked up of her... we sometimes cook together"

"Awww Zayn such a mummies boy" I teased.

"Shut up you" he giggled

He set up some plates and dished out the toast with butter on it and then put two bits of egg on my two toast and did the same with his. He then sat down and started to speak

"So Just tell me to stop if it's to personal but... did you and that Harry boy have any history?"

I gulped. Do I tell Zayn about how we dated. I better. I don't want to lie to him

"Me and Harry use to date. He broke up with me for another boy and when things didn't work out he came back to expecting me to take him back."

"So he tried to rape you because you didn't want to go back with him" Zayn replied

I almost said yes but that wasn't the case. I made out with Harry when Zayn rejected me. How do I tell Zayn that

"Well... not exactly"

"Niall what do you mean" Zayn grew concerned

"Well... when you rejected me I was very upset. Harry saw me crying and took the chance to try comfort me. We ended up making out and he tried to have sex with me and I denied him. He then said he wanted to get back with me but I said no"

Zayn didn't seem to impressed

"So you used him?"

"No... yes... I was heartbroken. I wanted you and thought I had screwed up everything for my self. I thought things would never be the same"

"So that hickey that time I called you in class. That was from Harry"

"Yeah... please Zayn there was nothing serious. It was a moment of pain and even during it I wanted you"

Zayn spoke

"No its okay Niall. I'm not mad. I'm mad at myself that I hurt you like that. I don't want to ever do that again."

He looked at me with glossy eyes and smiled

"Thank you Zayn" I replied

"So this Harry kid... is he still in your life"

I looked up remembering that afternoon

"I thought I had got rid of him but he came to my house one afternoon... Zayn he knows about us"

Zayn chocked on his food

"Wa... WHAT!"

"Zayn its okay. I don't think Harry would do anything malicious"

"Niall you have to understand. He could get me fired. I could go to jail. How did he find out?"

"He spied on us that first time we kissed"

Zayn shacked his head in disbelief

"Niall what are we going to do"

"Nothing Zayn. We only have a few more weeks left of school and then I'm dropping out. Once that happens then nothing is illegal"

Zayn smiled at me

"I love you Niall"

"I love you to Zayn"


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