Chapter Six - The Bedroom

Start from the beginning

"No," He hesitated. "You know what, this was a mistake. We're done. Let's go." I felt him close the distance between us, but I quickly jumped forward.

"No!" I hissed in his direction. "Look, here is what we will do. Let's just walk to my house and I will climb in the window and get you some pants. You can just follow behind me."

I heard Samuel groan and call my name, but I was already walking. I didn't have to listen for his footsteps to know he was coming after me. Whether to follow my plan or take me back, I didn't yet know. And I wasn't going to sit still to find out.

By the time I reached my window, my heart was pounding. I shuffled silently through the bushes, placing my hands on the ledge to lift myself up. Before I did though, I peered into my room. The white walls and carpet seemed untouched, the only thing out of place was a yellow pillow on the ground. Everything seemed to be the same from when I left earlier. I let a glimmer of hope fill my chest. Maybe James had been too drunk to notice my absence.

It wasn't easy lifting myself back up into my room. At least, it wasn't easy to do quietly. I couldn't help the thud that sounded when I fell onto my floor. At the noise, I held my breath and fixed my gaze on my bedroom door. There was no commotion beyond it though, so I chanced standing. I knew Samuel was waiting by my window, no doubt growing impatient.

I quickly ran to my closet, fishing out the biggest pair of pants I owned. In the end, I found gray sweats that belonged to my brother. I hesitated when I picked them up, not wanting Samuel to ruin a memory. However, movement outside my bedroom door quickly threw my hesitations away. I dashed to the window and threw the pants out just before my door was opened.

My mother peeked her head inside, brown hair falling through the door frame. "Samantha?"

I let out a sigh of relief. "Ya, it's me," I mimicked her whispers.

She smiled and came into my room, walking carefully. Floors were known to creak around here. She walked slowly to my bed and sat down, motioning for me to sit next to her. "Where were you? I had to keep James distracted all night."

As I sat next to her, I bowed my head in guilt. I knew how she kept him occupied. "I'm so sorry, mom. Are you alright?" I studied her small frame. There weren't any fresh bruises lining her freckles, nor any blood falling from her limbs. However, her clothing was torn in various places, pale skin showing through the fabric.

She smiled weakly. "Of course. But, you didn't answer me. Where were you?"

I fidgeted with my hands, forgetting the broken bone in my wrist. I tried not to let it show when the pain shot up my arm. "Well, I-" I realized I couldn't answer her question. My eyes darted to the window where I knew Samuel was listening. Any minute and he would probably come barging into the room. At that thought, I quickly came up with a response. "I just went for a walk."

My mother's eyes narrowed and it was my turn to smile weakly. What I said hadn't been a lie, but it wasn't the full truth. She knew that.

"Samantha, you know what would've happened if he found you weren't here."

I sighed. "I know. I'm sorry." I let my hair fall over my face as I glared towards my window.

"The doctors called today." My mother's voice quieted considerably.

The sentence sent me into shock. I forgot my anger and looked towards my mother, panicked. She noticed my expression and quickly continued.

"Don't worry, Will is fine." Something in her voice made me question if that was actually true.

"But?" I prodded, worried for my brother.

"Well, they talked to James so I didn't get everything. But from what I gathered, they need to do another surgery."

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