The older members looked at the younger with sadness and hesitantly stood up to practice again. The seven member boy group got into their positions as the music started along with Hoseok's instructional "Five, six, seven, eight...!"

After another hour of practicing their choreography, plus another hour of rehearsing their songs, the group had gone home.

"I'm too tired to make dinner, I'll go pick up something. Any suggestions?" Seokjin asked as he stayed by the door while the rest went inside.

"Pizza!" Taehyung answered.

"Chicken!" Jimin added.

"Pizza and chicken, is that okay with the rest of you?" Seokjin asked as he placed his hand on the doorknob.

"Yeah that's fine, as long as I get fed I'm okay." Yoongi answered as Namjoon, Hoseok, and Jeongguk hummed in agreement.

"I'll go with you hyung, you stop by for chicken and I'll get the pizza." Hoseok offered as he stood up and walked towards the front door where he slipped his shoes on and put his jacket on.

"We'll be back in twenty minutes, don't destroy the house. Namjoon you're in charge." Seokjin said as he opened the door.

"Why can't I be in charge?" Yoongi asked.

"You don't even watch them, you just do whatever you do and if they do anything you just pretend you didn't see it." Seokjin said.

"True true..." Yoongi nodded before yawning.

"Just go get the food please hyungs, I'm starving!" Taehyung said as he laid down on the floor.

Hoseok and Seokjin left the apartment to get the food while the others were in the living room. Yoongi still sat on the couch dozing off, Namjoon sat on the other couch with a book in his hands and a pencil behind his ear, Taehyung and Jimin sat on the floor with X-box controllers in their hands and their eyes on the TV, and Jeongguk was on his phone (sadly) texting his boyfriend who was miles away from him.


Ggukie Boi😘💍

hey ggukie👋


have u eaten yet?

Jin hyung n hobi hyung
went to get food rn

u better eat enough
for u okay?

I will

I know ur still upset about
me not being able to come
back in time for ur birthday
but please don't be sad tomorrow
it's ur special day
u don't need me to be ur
main source when u have
your hyungs that have been
shaping u to be who u r now
promise me u won't be
upset tomorrow okay?

I promise

I gotta go to a shoot now
Love you ggukie😘❤

love u too

Jeongguk sighed as he put his phone back in his pocket and laid his head back.

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