Chucky VS Leprechaun

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While Leo clean shoes, Chucky tiptoed behind him hitting over the head hard enough to knock the leprechaun out cold.  "Shit!  I did it! Fuck yeah, I'm the badass.  I told you your body will be mine.  Maybe I didn't tell you, but I'm sure you know now." he said as he grabbed Leo by the shoulder and dragged him to the center of the living room.

He crawls over Leo's body, stepping on his stomach and again he placed his hand on the leprechaun's forehead then began to say his spell, when he got to the part, "Give me the power I beg of you!"  The sky got covered with dark clouds and the loud roar of thunder made Mr. Kindly afraid and curious.

On the other side of town.  Jonathan's day was pretty slow.  But the shop was looking nice again.  He decided to swipe before closing time.  The front window was replaced due to a large crack in the glass.  The window repairman had finished putting the window in but didn't sweep up his mess.  While he swept the floor and proceed to pick up the trash, he noticed something shining.  "Oh, shit. The thief left behind one coin," he whispered as he opens the cash register and threw it in, then close back the drawer and continue to sweep up the shop.   Johnathan didn't call his boss, he figures he'll tell him later.  He didn't even notice the bright gold glow coming out of the cash register, which lasted about ten seconds, then it suddenly just stops glowing.  He continued to work, waiting for closing time.

The bright sparkles of gold light let the register light a flashing light.  It exited through the chimney and flashed itself like a gold rainbow towards Mr. Kindly's house brightening up the sky like falling stars as it went through a  crack in the door and like a beam of powering gold light, it enters the Leprechaun's body.

Chucky  thought it was going perfectly well when he saw the gold flash come through his dark clouds, and again he repeated, "Give me the power, I beg of you!' When suddenly, "Are you kidding me? Give you my power?  I don't think so.  You have really been a big pain!" screamed Leo as he waved his hand and Chucky flew up slamming into the ceiling above them.

"Give me the power!" he said when suddenly his half plastic and human doll mouth melted and disappeared, leaving Chucky without a mouth.  "You voodoo, mumble jumble, doesn't work on me.  I'm a Leprechaun, my powers are natural, I'm really not a fake dickless doll." he yelled  "I will kill you! You fucken green freak of nature!" the doll yelled as he struggles in the air trying his best to get loose from Leo's grip.

"You pathetic piece of plastic he is done. You may not have my gold and defiantly you may not have my body or power.  You have been in my way for too long now." said the leprechaun as he waves his hand and Chucky crashes into the ceiling over and over, about six times when it suddenly he just stopped.   Chucky was hurt and beat up, but, "You frog looking mother fucker I'm going to kill you." he yelled as again he tried to get away.  Then again Leo's wave his hand and Chucky slammed onto the table below him, over and over until the table gave in and broke causing the doll to fall and land with one broken leg.

"You better run, I'm Charles Lee Ray, I will destroy you, you green walking poop!" Chucky screamed as he tried to stand up and grabbed the table's leg to use as a weapon when suddenly he flew back up into the air.  Chucky held onto the curtain trying to take control of his floating body, but it was impossible.  The force that pulled him up was too strong for him.

"You just don't know when to shut up!" Leo screamed as the glittered overpowered the sky vanishing the dark evil clouds and brightening up the sky.  The glow and the brightness shine right through the curtains, then suddenly Chucky's doll body broke into six pieces.   The doll screamed where horrify for you could feel it's agony in his cries.  Then Leo waves his hand again, and Chucky body pieces flew away in different directions, like a glowing flash, each part of the doll's body landed in different parts of the world, lifeless.

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