Chucky VS Leprechaun

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Suddenly a strong volt of lightning struck and the Leprechaun appeared.   The sound and the light made Chucky find underneath the table.  He looked at Mr. Kindly and watched his eyes.  They were frightened and scared.

"I smell my gold!  Yes, I do, and I see the fool that stole it too.  Who tied you up in such a way.  Hand me my gold and I'll let you live.  Do hand me my gold, and you'll die where you sit." he muttered as he approached Mr. Kindly and stopped right in front of him.

Then the Leprechaun noticed Mr. Kindly eyes glancing towards the table.  "What wrong with you?  Your eyes look afraid, but not of me, so my old man, what is scaring?" he asked  That when he was about to turn to look.

"Hey foggy, it took you long enough!" yelled Chucky as he jumped on his back.  It looked like the Leprechaun and Chucky were playing horsey.   He waves his hand up to the air and Chucky went up off his back, slamming him up to the ceiling fan, slicing his face over his eye as he flew across the room and landing on the floor.  "Oh, hell no!  Not fair, no magic!  You green freak!" he said as he went to grabbed his knife.   Leo the Leprechaun quickly appeared in front of him, "Dolls are to play not kill!  You call me a freak, then what are you?" he said as he got closer.    Then as the doll reach for the knife, the knife will move away, making him chase the knife as Leo laugh.  

"What's wrong, is the knife slipping away?" he said with such laughter.   "If you let it go, I can show you what wonderful things I able to accomplish with my knife!" he yelled  "Really,  let's see," he said as he grabbed his coins began kissing them as he placed them into his pocket.

Chucky proceeded to chase the knife, then he spotted a baseball bat.   He quickly picks it up, ran behind Leo and hit him on the back of his neck, knocking the leprechaun's gold coins right out of his hand.  Leo suddenly got enraged as he made his gold coins float right back to him.  As he reaches for them,  Chucky again hit him, messing up his concentration and the coins fell to the floor.   "So, foggy what's mine batting average?" he asked as he ran towards Leo swinging the bat.    Then the leprechaun waves his small hands, and Chucky floated into the air.  The bat flew out of Chucky's hand and began hitting him on the top of his head over and over.  

"You plastic piece of shit!  What is your problem?" he was as he gathered his coins with his magic, the coins rolled to him and jumped into his pocket.  "My babies, how I miss you so.  I have what I've come for, but I'm still missing ten more coins," he muttered as he vanished from one spot and appeared right in front of Mr. Kindly who was still tied up on the chair.

Chucky was still in the air, trying his best to grab the swinging bat.  "You green booger, you can't fight me without your magic.  Wait until I get my hands on this bat.  When I did with you, you won't be green, you'll be black and blue.  You fucken piece of green shit!" he yelled as the bat kept hitting him and he kept trying to grip it up.

"You are like a tick, just don't know when to stop.  I'm a leprechaun and you're a doll  What makes you think you can overpower me?" Leo said with an evil laugh   "Just wait!  When I get my hands on this bat, it'll be my turn to beat you with it.  You green piece of walking booger!" he yelled as the blows on his head were making his speech slurred.

"Will you just shut up, I really don't have time for you right now.  Can't you see I'm on a gold hunt?" Leo said as he moved the tape off of Mr. Kindly's mouth with one pull.   "Oh, my god, now that shit hurt!  What the help, if you destroy my mouth, how are you going to know what I'm saying?" he said   "Look, I can read minds too.  Where is my gold?" he asked as he levitated the chair he was sitting on.   

"Please! Please! Don't kill me!  I'll give you your gold coins!" he screamed in terror.  "Tell me now!" said the leprechaun as he floated up to him.   "There out in the country.  I've ridden him in my folk's barn under the hay." he yelled    "Is this the truth?" asked Leo    "Yes, it's the truth!" he replied

"Listen to me, think of the farm and the barn in your head, then close your eyes," explained Leo as he place on hand on the chair, forgetting all about Chucky.     The grip he had on the doll was released and Chucky fell to the floor and the bat landed on his head.

Chucky quickly picked up the bat and ran to hit Leo from the back, when he swung into the air, the leprechaun and Mr. Kindly vanished into thin air.  "Mother fucker!  No! No!  I almost had you! Where the fuck did they go.  The farm, shit!  I don't know where that damn farm is located, fuck and fuck again.  Must find the damn address to that place!" he yelled as he began to ram sack Mr. Kindly house for an address book.

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