Chucky VS Leprechaun

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"Well they not really bad luck, now the stealing part was bad luck.  I've followed a rainbow, and there it was waiting for me.  I didn't take it all,  I just filled up all my pockets, and took off.  I gave a couple of the coins to some friends, then, he came. He killed them and took his coins back.   So, I figured I sell some, then the person that bought was also killed.  I figure if I leave some here and there, he might lose me and I can keep the money and live well." explained Mr. Kindly

Chucky started laughing, "Really dude you tried to out start a Leprechaun, that was dumber than dumb." he said as he was laughing very out of control.  The old man looked at him, "It's not that funny." he muttered as he rolls his eyes.   

Then Chucky placed the knife on his face, if I say it's funny, then it funny.  Now give me a giggle, or I shove this fucken knife so far that your throat, that when I'm done you'll have a perfect smile!" yelled Chucky while poking him with the knife.  Mr. Kindly started to laugh in a very weird way.  "Now that's more like it.  So, if we stay here with this gold, our green froggy friend,  will come after, you, I mean us?" he asked with a grin all the while playing with the coins.

"I don't think you want to do this, that thing is very evil when somehow has taken its gold." said the old man, who was still holding onto his knee.    "So what are you saying you old fart, that he can beat me!  No one beats me!  I want his body and his magic.  Believe me, I do get what the fuck I want!" yelled the doll waving the knife around.

"Hey doll, can I go now?" Mr. Kindly as in a shaky tone.  Chucky began to laugh again, "You kidding me right.  Dude, if that green thing doesn't kill you, well, I will, you can count on that, you see, what am I?" he asked  "A Doll." the old man replied   "Right, so if I don't kill you, who will you tell." asked Chucky  "The police?" answered Mr. Kindly  "Right, boy you are stupid, you really went to the place, you see you made me want to kill now!" yelled the doll  

"Look maybe he's not coming?" he asked  "Shut up!  He is going to be here!" said Chucky as he stuffs the roll-up sock in his mouth once again.  Then he sat down on the rocking chair waiting for his little green friend.

The sun began to rise, and soon it was time for Johnathan to go to work.    But before he left his home, his cell rang.  "Hello," he answered  "John can you get here right now?  I know you don't start for another hour.  But someone broke into the shop and made a mess of things. I really need your help." said Usha in a very sad voice.  "Sorry to hear that, I'll be there before you know it." he replied  "Thank you, later then." said his boss  "Later," replied Johnathan as he quickly jumped in his car and headed that way.

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