Chucky VS Leprechaun

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The doll kept searching Mr. Kindly house making a mess of the place, he came across a birthday card, on the envelope it had his parent's farm address.  "Fucken real, have found it, about fucken time," yelled Chucky as he quickly ripped the address of and placed it in his pocket.  

Chucky then went to the library and jumped on the desk.   He took the address out of his pocket and proceeded to write it on a white piece of copy paper.  He then folded the large piece of paper and placed that in his pocket.   He then opened up a window, looked around and out the window he went, making sure he wasn't seen by anyone.  He walked the sidewalk and every time some passed by he ducked for cover.

He proceed down the road when he spotted a movie theater.  He quickly ran in that direction.  It was about ten in the morning, the first movie was over and the viewers were just getting out.   The doll quickly ran across the street dodging cars.  He then sat on the exit steps, like a cute doll, who was missing part of his hair and one ear, hoping that someone will give him a ride.  He took out the paper and with a safety pin attached it to his overalls.  Then he sat quietly and waited.

As the people exited the movie theater, the first couple that walked out, "Hey, watch your step." said Ron  "Holy shit, I almost stepped on the creepy thing.  Check that out it has a note attached to his bloody overalls.  Shit, this is some kind of joke.  It's probably fake blood." replied Jane  "What does the note say?' he asked as they both stared at the ugly creepy doll.  "It reads, I'm lost.  Please help me get home. There's a reward." read Ron as the doll's looks disgust him.  "Really?  That ugly thing.  There's no way I want it in the car with us. Reward or not, let's get out of here." said Jane as they both went on their way.

Then others came out, some just didn't even bother looking at him.  Others read the note and laughed then walked away disgusted with the bloody mess of a doll.  When the last couple walked out, they also approached the doll, "Jack, check the creepy doll out.  It all bloody up and missing part of his ear." Sara said as she stopped to read the note.   Jack stopped and looked, "Shit that thing is ugly!" he said    

Then Sara read the note out loud.  "I'm lost, Please help me home.  There's a reward."  "Hey, let's take him home.  The address is on the back of the flyer," she suggested.  "Are you fucken crazy?  Look at that thing, it looks like it ate its owner.  Let's get going." he said as he grabbed her hand and headed to the parking lot towards his car.  "Babe, look at it," she said as he dragged her away.  "Hell, no that thing creeps me out," he said still pulling her by her hand.

Chucky just couldn't take anymore, he took the note off and threw it away.  "Fuck this shit.  Half of those mother fucker was damn ugly and they have the nerve to talk about me," he said as he headed to the parking lot when he remembers the address of the farm was written on the back of the flyer he had made.  "Shit this is not happening to me.  Someone's taking me, even if it has to be at knifepoint," he muttered as he ran back, making sure no one seen him, grabbed the balled up paper and ran towards the parking lot.

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