I gripped my hand in a tight fist and tried to breathe.

"Kat.... Calm down Kat" Kass's voice was shaking," we didn't mean to upset you"

"Didn't you?"my voice was husky and void of any emotion.

Jace and Kass stepped back, scared of something they saw in my eyes.

My eyes.

Glancing in the mirror,i saw that my eyes were totally black with the pupils turning red slowly.


"I need to go"

With that, I ran out the door, out the house and didn't stop running until I arrived back at the spot were I was with Alex last night.

I reminded me of the place back in the Caribbean were my mom and I centred ourselves.

Sitting under the apple tree, I breathed in and out deeply. I cleared my mind of everything. I repeated that until I felt the tide of my powers subside slowly.

I almost lost control. That hadn't happen in years.

I was  outside reading a history book about the gods enjoying natureMy father sat down beside and stroked my curly hair.

Smiling softly he said,"Kat. We have to talk about something"

Closing my book, I turned to him.

"What is it Dad?"

"We have to talk about your mother"

I sat up, fully alert. I've been asking about my mom for years and  he's finally ready to talk.

"Your mom was a very special woman Kat. She was different. Not a normal vampire like me. She came from a great family"

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