She didn't even reply.


She didn't even flinch.

"Song Eunseo!" 

She was a bit startled but went back to her poker face in a second.

"Are you okay?"

She nodded lifelessly, looking like a dead zombie.

"Did something happen?"

"No," she replied quietly, taking small steps to the stairs. 

"I'm always here," he managed to say before she disappeared upstairs. 

Another sigh left his lips as he thought of any way to cheer up his cousin. She was a special case, where nothing could make her mood lighten up until she cheers herself up.

What could've happened?


Do_Young : did something happen

Do_Young : ?

Woojae : what

Do_Young : like problem?

Woojae : whose problem?

Do_Young : your girlfriend

Do_Young : you know what happened to her?
Seen 17:11

Do_Young : Jaehyun

Do_Young : youre not supposed to ignore me

Do_Young : we're talking about eunseo right now

Do_Young : did something actually happen?

Do_Young : does it have to do with you?
Seen 17.27

Do_Young : fine

Do_Young : i guess it does

Do_Young : talk to me

Do_Young : you coward ass jerk cornbud

Do_Young : wait that wasn't supposed to be an insult

Do_Young : sorry cornbud
Seen 17.59


A week passed, neither Eunseo and Jaehyun have talked to each other nor text anything. He was waiting for her to open up to him. She was waiting for nothing to be exact. She was thinking about his words for the past week.

She doesn't completely understand what he wanted her to do.

Yet, she absolutely knows what she has to do.

Unfortunately, she was a shy shell, she can't really get out of her comfort zone that easy. She never bothered telling anyone her feelings since they never cared.

With Jaehyun, she thought he would accept her the way she already is. She knew he wasn't wrong but he isn't right either. She wasn't ready, and if she was, she doesn't want to burden others.

Especially Jaehyun.

She just couldn't bother to burden hum with her problems when he already has so much to think about.

During Chemistry class, her head was literally in the clouds. She was trying to focus on her experiment. Her group mate was asking her to turn on the Bunsen burner. She wasn't paying attention much, not until she felt the burning feeling on her finger. 

"Eunseo!" She heard one of the girls scream her name as she let go of the apparatus and screech in pain over her hand. Someone had pulled her hand to the sink and run cold water over her hand.

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