Ch. 43 - First and Last Date

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"Taehyung, as your nurse and best-friend, I can't condone this," Chaeyoung said sternly and shook her head at him.

"Chaeyoung, we're just riding some bikes, it's not going to kill us," Taehyung laughed, pushing her bike into her hands while he climbed his own.

"You just had major heart and lung surgery, so it might!" she argued but climbed on the bike anyway.

Two weeks had gone by since Taehyung's surgery and he was well on the road to recovery. It was also his last day in Seoul so, Chaeyoung had promised to spend the whole day with him before his evening flight. Truthfully, she felt bitter about the whole thing and wanted nothing more than to curl up in bed with a bucket of ice cream and pretend he wasn't leaving, but obviously that wasn't the best or most healthy idea. Throughout these two weeks, she continuously had the urge to take back what she'd said and beg him to say but a wiser, more rational part of her prevented her from doing so. She had to constantly remind herself that this was the best thing for him.

"Where are we going?" she asked as they rode side by side through the streets of Eastern Seoul, the morning breeze providing a perfect contrast to the blazing sun.

"You'll see," he said, wagging his eyebrows at her secretively and causing her to laugh. In addition to all the other things, she was really going to miss seeing those unique facial expressions of his.

Riding bikes together was one of their favourite hobbies and she'd lost count of the number of times they'd explored the same trail near the river over and over to the point where they'd practically memorized the entire route and how many trees there were along the path. However, she was surprised when he took a left turn, leading her through a trail they'd never explored before.

"Taehyung," she called out to him, having to pedal harder to catch up, "you know I don't like change."

"Well, too bad," he laughed at her almost evilly as he pedalled even faster, causing her to groan in frustration.

By the time they reached their destination, Chaeyoung's legs were burning and her face felt damp with sweat from the increased activity. Taehyung came to a halt in front of a construction zone where a large building was in the process of being built.

"We're here!" Taehyung announced cheerfully, looking up at the building in front of them like it was his first-born child.

Chaeyoung raised a brow at him in confusion, "you wanted to show me a construction site on our last day together?"

He nodded proudly, "Jimin and I were going to show you when the building was completely done, but I really wanted to see your reaction so I decided to show you before I left."

Chaeyoung nodded, trying her best to understand but not really succeeding, "Tae... what is it?"

"Let me show you," he smiled as he led her closer to the building and took the blueprints from one of the workers.

"You are looking at Seoul's new and improved HIV clinic," he announced, animatedly gesturing towards the large building and causing Chaeyoung to gape at him in astonishment.

"What are you talking about, Tae?" she asked in amazement, her insides beginning to buzz with excitement.

He pulled open the blueprint and started pointing to different areas, "it's going to have 6 floors and a large, free underground parking lot with it. This is the main floor, the waiting area is going to be twice as big as the old one, and there'll be a much larger break room for the nurses. The top 3 floors are strictly for the residents with extra beds to accommodate for temporary visits."

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