It's kinda cold innit lads?

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Jay was asleep and cold on the piece of wood as Zane looked around for any lifeboats. Zane shouted as loud as he could.

"Yo hold up is there anybody alive out here?" An officer said on a lifeboat which slowly moved towards them. Not many people were alive.
Zane looked and saw the boat 
"HELP!" He said. 
The boat came towards him.
"Jay- Wake up, there's a lifeboat we're gonna live!!" Zane shook Jay.
Jay wouldn't wake up
"Jay please" Zane was scared.
"Ngghhhhhf ggo away" Jay muttered.
"Wake the fuck up!" Zane shook jay again
The lifeboat reached them and pulled Zane and Jay up. Jay was still half asleep and just wanted to sleep. Zane held Jay close. Jay began to mutter the lyrics of Discord (remix) - Eurobeat Brony into Zanes ear

On another lifeboat was Lloyd, Cole and Mark. 
Lloyd was crying, he couldn't believe what had just unfolded before his eyes.

"The.. ship... the people... mr worldwide... all gone" Lloyd burst out into tears.

Cole patted Lloyds back reasurring him that it would be ok
"Find your happy place" Mark said
"It's kinda hard to find my happy place when i just witnessed the death of my best friend and a thousand other people while im stuck in the middle of the ocean shivering next to two gay guys" Lloyd sobbed.

"Harsh." Mark sighed

Lloyd began humming some Pitbull songs to cope. He missed Kai so much.
"Why are you humming Pitbull?" Cole asked

"Mr Worldwide would've wanted it" Lloyd said before he carried on humming to the tune of Timber by Pitball ft. Ke$ha. It made him feel better,
"Can you hum some Africa Toto next?" Mark asked

"I aint  no juke box" Lloyd groaned.

"Ok" Mark replied.

Meanwhile in the after life people were piling in
"Is there some sort of disaster or something where are all these dead guys coming from?" Says Garmadon. 
"Omg Garmadon my bro" Morro said
"Go away" Garmadon replied. "I thought u were a ghost anyways??" 
"Yeah but I died again. This big ship sunk and lots of us died." Morro said
Orlando showed up in the after life and saw Morro. He began to cry and ran to him "MoORRROOO" Orlando shouted

"ORLANDO!?" Morro shouted. He turned around and saw Orlando running to him.
They both ran 2 eachother and hugged tightly crying.
"What are you doing here?!" Morro asked.
"I.. I killed myself to be with you. I couldn't live life without you"
They both held onto oneanother crying.

Suddenly flames went everywhere, lightning crashed and a spotlight focused onto a figure. 
It... Could it be?? It is.... The now deceased, Mr Worldwide..!
"Sup guys I died but now I'm here in the afterlife. Let's throw a major fuckin ghost party"
"KAI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Orlando shouted.
"Shush. Lets get this party STARTED"

And so they did. All the people who died on the Gigantic just threw a party. 

Down on another one of the lifeboats was Nya. She was sat with some children reassuring them it would be okay. She was worried for the other guys, she didn't want to believe it but she knew someone must have died. Suddenly a ships horn could be heard in the distance. A small ship came towards all the life boats. They were finally saved. The crew helped people onto the small ship and gave everyone blankets and asked for names etc.
Nya looked around the ship to find Jay, Zane, Lloyd, Kai and Cole. He only found Jay, Zane, Lloyd and Cole, along with Mark. 
"Where's Kai?" Nya asked.
"About that.. Nya.. Jay.. Zane.. I need to tell you all something" Lloyd began to tear up. 
"No..." Nya said.
"He died in the ship.. The staircase.. The pillar crushed him.. I couldn't save him.." Lloyd cried.
"Oh my god.." Jay was horrified.
Nya broke down into tears.
"He died happy though... You could tell.." Lloyd tried to smile slightly.
"Who else died??" Nya asked.
"Morro, Orlando, Wu and Misako. Ney is fine. I havent heard from Ronin and Dareth. Maybe they died too?" Zane said
"Ronin wouldnt of died and Dareth probably did." Cole said.

Meanwhile back in the after-life, Mr Worldwide was throwing his party. It was just Pitbull songs played on repeat. 
"Here's a song I like to call Fireball ft. John Ryan" Kai I mean Mr Worldwide said.
Everyone cheered

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