It's gone.

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The ship had just split in half, the stern had smashed into the freezing ocean crushing many swimming below. 

"Zane I'm fucking terrified we're gonna die I know it" Jay cried.
"I wont let you die" Zane said.
"How? You have no control over this! We're literally hanging off a piece of wood on a sinking ship! You can survive underwater for god knows how long, YOU will live, I won't" Jay was mad.
"I think you're a bit stressed Jay. Calm down." Zane sighed.
"HOW THE FUCK AM I SUPPOSED TO CALM DOWN ?" Jay shouted. People looked at him. All Jay could do was start crying. 

Zane frowned and put his arm onto Jay.

The ship then began to raise into the air again. 
"This is it, this is the final plunge pretty much." Zane said.
"You're not helping Zane." Jay cried.
The ships stern was pretty much vertical in the air and it slowly descended into the deep dark ocean. Jay and Zane held onto the railings 
"Okay, Jay, as soon as the ship goes under, grab hold of me, let go of the railing. Just trust me" Zane said
"Okay.." Jay frowned.
The ship went down, it caused a suction and people were dragged under the water to drown with the ship. People screamed and cried and shouted. 
The ship then disappeared into the ocean. The giant ship was now submerged under the water forever, it would never see the light of day again.
When the ship went down, Zane grabbed hold of Jay and used his super strong robot legs to propell them away from the ship to avoid being sucked down by the suction of the ship.

Meanwhile on the lifeboats sat Orlando. It turns out Orlando was sat next to a Ninjago celebrity, Ney! "Oh! You're Orlando right?" Ney asked the dog.
"Yeah.. How do you know?" Orlando replied.
"Morro told me so much about you, it's so obvious he loves you so much! You're so lucky, Morro usually hates everyone.." Ney smiled.
"He's dead." Orlando cried.
Ney gasped. "What! How?!"
"Some bastards knocked him out the window..." Orlndo choked on his words.
Ney hugged Orlando comfortingly.

Orlando cried and pushed Ney away from him. 
"I can't live a life without him. I'm not going to live the rest of my life without the love of my life, bye Ney. Bye everyone." Orlando grabbed the officers gun, shot himself and fell back into the ocean to slowly die. 
People on the lifeboats shrieked in horror and blood splattered onto them.

His body slowly sunk down deep into the ocean, where it would either rest over 2 miles deep in the ocean or just be crushed instantly by the psressure, leaving the only traces of him to be his clothes. 

Jay had passed out from shock and was being dragged by Zane, who was looking frantically for some form of flotation to keep Jay out of the freezing water. He eventually found a piece of wood, it looked like a piece of a wall you'd of found in one of the ships halls. Zane dragged Jay's body and put it onto the wood. He then tried to wake Jay up. It took about 20 minutes for Jay to wake up. Zane had thought Jay had died. "Jay! You're alive!" Zane smiled and cried.
"What happened??" Jay muttered.
"You fainted after the ship went down.. Stay here okay?" Zane said, he then swam off.
"Is he abandoning me in the middle of the atlantic ocean" Jay muttered. 
Zane swam around and looked for items of clothing. He wanted to find something to help keep Jay warm. He found some dead frozen corpses and ripped off the blankets and coats they were wearing and swam back to Jay.
"Jay I'm back I went to go get you something to keep warm"
"Oh.. thanks.." Jay was shivering now.
Zane put the blanket and coat over Jay and hugged him. He was staying in the water so Jay would float and plus, Zane wasn't bothered by the chilly waters of the Atlantic.

Lloyd was on the lifeboat with Mark and Cole, he was crying his eyes out.
"I miss Kai so much already.. It's so sad to think that right now his body is deep inside that ship which is heading to the bottom of the Atlantic ocean, probably ripping apart.. I could've saved him.. It's my fault Mr Worldwide is dead."
"No Lloyd it's not your fault! Mr Worldw-I mean, Kai, could've died in many ways. This ship was going to take as many lives down with it as it could. Kai was just in the wrong place at the wrong time, and we will all miss him, but it's not your fault." Cole said and put his hand on Lloyd's shoulder.
Lloyd just cried. 
Mark was close to tears as well. Cole was staying strong and didn't give in to the tears that wanted to escape from him. He needed to be there for Lloyd. 
"I wonder.. If anyone else has died.. We haven't- Seen Jay or Zane at all.." Lloyd said
"Zane wouldn't let anything happen to Jay.. Zane can survive in this cold water and Jay is strong and stubborn, he wouldn't let a piece of metal bring him down. As much as I want it to happen" Cole sighed.
Mark suddenly felt a breathing down his neck, he shivered and looked behind him. It was his killer mother!!! The mother that wanted to fucking slaughter him for the money.
Mark cried out and flung himself forward to avoid her. She tried to grab hold of him 
"You are going to die tonight I swear to god!!!!" She shouted and tried to pick him up by the arm.
"FUCK YOU , OLD HAG" Cole shouted and punched her round the face.
The woman started bleeding from the hit. "You just made a big mistake, Ninja wearing black." 

She shoved him out of the way and grabbed hold of Mark and held him tightly by the neck, choking him slightly. The whole lifeboat could only watch in horror. Lloyd helped up Cole and the two did everything they could to stop her. Mark was crying his eyes out, he was shaking too. He could barely breathe. 
Cole jumped onto the womans back, crushing her fragile old spine. He then punched her multiple times in the head. She let go of Mark who was now on the floor struggling to breathe. Lloyd went to Mark to help him. Cole however had a bit of beef with this old sket. 
"I know nothing about you or why your even doing this to your own son but you are the probably the worst person i have ever met and now prepare to die" Cole said. Cole smashed that beefy bitch with his strong fists and then threw her body into the ocean to let her drown. 
Cole went to Mark who was crying his eyes out to help him. Lloyd and Cole both assisted Mark in his time of need.


death count: 8 + the thousand or so people who died on the ship lmao

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