Chapter 2 - Reidy and Maxi

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I was watching Reidy and Maxi saving those people. Everything was going great until there was a big wave that swept them both against the rocks. There was a moment of silence in the tower after Maxi and Reidy collided with the rocks. I was seriously shocked and didn't know what to do, I mean it's not like I've ever seen this happen before in all my years of service. Sure,  lifeguards can get injured as well, but normally not as serious as now.

I grabbed the binoculars and looked at the spot where their rescue boards were now floating, being smashed more times against the rocks as more waves were coming in. I didn't spot any of their bodies above the water yet, which didn't mean very good news was awaiting us. I grabbed the walkie and said to Jesse and Whippet to paddle out to them as fast as they could since they were both the closest to Backpackers.  

Whippet responded with a quick "On it now", and then we saw them both paddling out, hoping that they wouldn't have the same fate as Maxi and Reidy just had a minute or so before.
After that, I already decided to call for an ambulance since there was no way that both of them would be alright after such a massive smash against the rocks. I kept looking at the water while I made the call, though, and I could hear the other boys with me in the tower say things like 'no way' , and I could feel the tension and concern building up as not only seconds, but minutes passed in the search for Maxi and Reidy.

The most shitty thing was that there were still a ton of people on the beach on whom we had to keep an eye as well. As much as all of us would like, there was no way that we could just abandon the rest of the people who were still swimming out there, some clearly totally unaware of the disaster that happened in the same waters as they were happily swimming in.


It felt unreal. I stood still for a moment, I don't know for how long exactly, but I just couldn't believe my eyes. There was no way that something like that had just happened, right? I almost felt like believing my thoughts, until I spotted a rescue board floating close to the rocks, without anyone on it. A few meters behind it there, sure enough, was the other one. 

I was taken back to reality by Whippet, who tapped on my shoulder and said to me quickly that we should head out to the spot as soon as possible. I immediately reacted, took my shirt off, grabbed a board, and ran to the water. It didn't take very long before both me and Whippet were on our way to save our friends. 

On the way to the place where we last spotted them I was constantly thinking 'let them be okay', but deep down I knew that it wouldn't be like that. There was a very slim chance of them being okay because a smash against the rock isn't really that soothing for a body now, is it? As the crucial seconds went by, we arrived close to the spot but didn't see anyone. "I'm jumping in!", Whippet yelled at me, and I yelled back: "Alright mate, but be careful, It's not like we want someone else to get severely injured anyway!" He gave me a quick "Yeah mate!", before he jumped in the water, diving under in the hopes to see one, if not both, of them. 

I paddled a bit further in the hopes of seeing someone myself, and I think that after a minute or so Whippet yelled to me that he had Maxi, and sure enough when I looked back at him he had just managed to get Maxi on the rescue board and was now trying to get on himself. I yelled back at him that he now should make his way back to shore as fast as possible. I saw him slowly making his way to shore and then focused my attention on the water again. 

It didn't take very long after Whippet found Maxi, that I found Reidy myself. With the help of a volunteer lifeguard, who had paddled out with me and Whippet, I got him on my board and paddled back to shore as fast as I could, hoping that it wasn't too late already. 

The paddle back to shore seemed like it took ages, but at last, I was able to make it there with a good friend on my board who looked more dead than alive. Please both of you, don't you dare to die... 

Please let me know if there are some particular characters you want to have a big role in this story, and if it's good enough to continue. :)

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