• chapter five ;

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"Soonyoung, are you asleep?" Jihoon questioned. Jihoon was sitting on his bed, doing his essay on English. Soonyoung's back was facing Jihoon and the older was lying on his bed, so Jihoon can't tell if Soonyoung was really asleep or not. Looking at the wall clock, it was already 11 in the evening, and looking out in the window, it was really dark outside, and the dark night skies just rpoved that it was really late at night already. The only thing that can be heard was the heavy cool breeze from the outside, going inside the room thorugh the open windows.

Oh right, Jihoon spoke just seconds ago.

There was no answer.

Probably the older male was now asleep. Jihoon sighed and put an ending to his essay, finally finishing it and dropping his pen to his nightdesk beside his bed.

He felt the cool breeze of the night once more, and the wind that blew just got stronger the second time Jihoon felt it.

Jihoon placed his finished essay on the night desk, beside his pen before getting out of bed and threw the blankets away that wrapped him for him to make way. He headed to the window and closed it, and drew the curtains. He got to admit it, he didn't want Soonyoung to catch a cold.

Jihoon checked the wall clock again. 11:10.

Jihoon didn't feel the need to sleep, like usual how he feels during nights. And because of his boredom, he chose to go out of the dorm room, leaving Soonyoung behind. Now, where would he be going? Stroll around the campus at this late time past curfew?

Jihoon calmed down himself. We're safe after all, so what is there to worry? Of course, as Seungcheol said, they were safe and free after all.

But he and the rest of his friends were not officially forbidden students from death yet; Only forbidden students from death are like the most contributors of the school and the top and honor students, to be detailed. But if someone caught Jihoon out of bed at late night?

Jihoon thinks Seungcheol meant that they are free from doing mistakes associated with their academical studies, but not from the rules of the school, specifically being out of bed at late night.

Jihoon facepalmed. How confusing.

Confusing indeed. At the first night of their stay at this dangerous school, Mingyu and him escaped from getting caught by the dormkeeper, thinking they're totally on the verge of danger and is unsafe. And when Seungcheol told them that they're actually safe and free, they thought they were really safe if caught. Now, Jihoon can feel that if he gets caught this time, his head would have been into a guillotine already.

Well, better not be caught then.

Jihoon paused for awhile; He didn't knew because of his deep thoughts he was diving on, his feet had actually brought him to somewhere he wasn't sure of- A dark hallway?

Jihoon widened his eyes and tried to back away but couldn't; his feet were kind of glued to the ground. He didn't knew where he was. He was lost. But what made him slightly panicked was the shadow he can see before the hallway; it wasn't only one, but two.

It took him awhile before he finally analyzed the structure of the shadow. A person dragging a body? To make it creepier, the person was pulling the body by hand mercilessly, and the body seems lifeless. Just then Jihoon realized they were coming on his way. No, scratch that, just pass his way.

Until they finally did. Since it was really dark and there were barely any lights to light up the narrow hall, Jihoon wasn't noticeable at all. But to make him more unobvious, Jihoon hid at the corner.

He can clearly see the figures. It was someone dragging a familiar body, as Jihoon expected— Wait, Park Xiyeon's body?

Jihoon was sure that body was Xiyeon's, according to how he recognized it as hers. Jihoon knew about the case from earlier this day as from what he have heard from Soonyoung who heard it from Wonwoo who heard it from Mingyu.

Jihoon silently followed the figure, making he wasn't making any noises or else he would have been caught and put himself into danger. He stopped when the figure pulling Xiyeon's body stopped before a door. And when the figure opened it, Jihoon frowned when he smelled the filthy smell coming from the room. Shit, why does it looks like it's the odor of blood? Dried blood, Jihoon guessed.

Jihoon didn't need to go deeper to his curiosity. He had read the large sign in front of the door, saying it was the basement.

And to his courage to escape before more, he quickly went back to the dorm and was carefully aware of his surroundings to not get caught.

Another thing Jihoon was sure of, it was the math teacher who was pulling her body.

Yes, he clearly saw him.

. . .

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