• chapter four ;

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"Was she drugged?" Mingyu questioned.

"Someone might've put in on anything she ate or drank," Nayoung said.

Mingyu sighed. "This is so not safe."

. . .

"So what exactly happened?" Mingyu questioned, still confused of what happened to Xiyeon earlier. He was talking to Nayoung, Sungyeon and Kyulkyung who had some witness cases related to Xiyeon's.

Xiyeon was suppose to be examined for her cause of death to be find out, but no one of the school even the laboratory professors won't let them. So now, Xiyeon was scheduled to be buried on the day after tomorrow.

"Xiyeon made a mistake in Math class. Simple as that." Kyulkyung stated.

"She was feeling pale and sick, as if those are symptoms." Sungyeon added.

"But what was that drug?" Nayoung questioned. "The Forensic Science professor is expected to not let us examine this case. They're too rude."

"Doesn't Yebin specializes in Forensic Science?" Mingyu said.

"Yebin! She have hectic schedule!" Kyulkyung stated.

"Fine we'll solve these on our own." Mingyu gave in.

. . .

"Kyla do you still have some classes?" Yewon questioned, since Kyla seemed like she was heading to the other direction.

"No, I was just tasked to help out the Math professor." Kyla answered.

"Okay then, I'll go to the dorm now I guess?"

"Yes, go on." Kyla shushed. When Yewon left, Kyla went to the faculty room and got out from her bag the class records of the Math professor.

Without any hesitation, she opened it even she wasn't told to. She was shocked by what she read.

She scanned the names, and most of them were still clear printed and no marks, but only one with a single 'x' that crossed out her name caught her attention.

It wasn't class records of grades, instead it was a list of students who are listed to be marked if killed.

. . .

"What did you say?" Mingyu slammed on the table, glaring at Wonwoo.

"Shh, we're at the dorm! And it's late night!" Wonwoo whispered, growling.

"Sorry." Mingyu muttered. "Did you just say you saw Xiyeon's history tutor drop something? And that something is a pack of pills?"

"Yes." Wonwoo nodded. "You showed me the pill she spitted out, and it was surprisingly the same. So I guess. . . ?"

"Okay then." Mingyu huffed. "I'm suspecting her History tutor. Sungyeon admitted that she was waiting for Xiyeon to finish being tutored by her History tutor earlier this morning, and she stated Xiyeon drank a coffee that smelled bad. I'm guessing it was the pill, since it had a bad odor too."

Wonwoo just nodded.

. . .

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