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Done with the drinks, dancing and the flirtatious smile guys have been giving me, I finally called it a night. There's no way I'm going to drive tonight so I handed my car keys to Mandy since she force me to knowing what a reckless driver I was and order myself an uber. We said our goodbyes which is me talking in alien language while hugging her and her imitating my mom.

"Awww goodbye my sweet sweet potato! Call me when you're arrive yeah?"

"Urk iiiyes su"

Then I arrive home. well, I don't know much because the moment I get in I started to walk to my couch and passed out.

I woke up the next morning feeling of wanting to vomit and quickly went to my bathroom, not to mention the numerous times of me tripping I still manage to make it to the bowl. I was done taking my shower, when my door bell start ringing countless times. Who ever is behind that door must've been so eager to meet me but what if it was a serial killer?

This is the part where I start running right?

I wrapped myself with my robe since I don't want them to look at me in just towels and start to grab a fork.

Don't ask me why I choose a fork for my weapon.

I look through the peep hole and froze at who I saw.

"What is he doing here?"

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