Chapter Sixteen

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Sighing, I roll my eyes and sit down where Cara's grandfather told me, "Okay. I am sitting."

"Are you sure you want to know the answers to your questions," he asks me, "I can promise you that you wont be able to look at my granddaughter the same if I do."

"If Cara is willing to make these risks, then so am I." I really hope you didn't screw up to bad Cara...

"Very well. You want to know how I am alive. It's simple. I'm a hybrid. A mix between a werewolf and a vampire."

I wait for Lucas to start laughing, to show me that what Cedric had just said was a joke, but when everyone remains quiet, my heart drops into my stomach, "Y-You can't really expect me to believe that? That's literally impossible. Vampire's can't reproduce!"

"I wasn't born a hybrid."

"Then h-how?"

"An experiment I did about sixteen years ago," Victoria spoke up, "Cedric and I made an agreement to protect his pack, which on his part was participating in my experiment."

"She killed me. Then, the second my heart stopped, she injected me with her own blood. Due to me being already dead, the vampire blood didn't have to worry about the rejection of my werewolf blood. When her blood revived me, it fused with my werewolf blood, and formed the blood now running through my veins. Hybrid blood."

"And you had no issues with letting her kill you? What if you had somehow fallen under her control? What if she decided to use you to kill your family!?" I couldn't believe it. Cedric was stupid to have done that. Even if it had worked out, there had just been to many risks involved.

"I had nothing to worry about because we created a blood binding treaty. If she were to lay a hand on anyone of my blood line, she'd perish."

"Are there others....hybrids I mean?"

"Yes there are a handful of us. They all work under me. There is only one that doesn't really follow my orders, but that is because he's following Cara's orders." I immediately turn on Lucas.

"Y-You're a hybrid too!?"

"Of course," he grins, a set of fangs gleaming in the cabin light, "Haven't you ever wondered how I'm so sneaky and seem to appear out of no where? Hybrid speed darling."

I turn back to Cedric, "Did you send him to watch over Cara?"

"Of course I did. She's a female Alpha, the second in our blood line. That's very rare. On top of that, she is the only thing standing between peace and war between the three different races."

"W-what does that mean?"

"The pact Cara's grandfather and I created was not for the werewolf race," Victoria said, "It was for his granddaughter. He wanted to keep her safe. Should I ever hurt her, he'll send the hybrids to kill my kind. Well, that was how it started. Now about three times a year, Cara, Cedric, and myself meet up. We eventually formed our own treaty. A blood treaty between the vampires, werewolves, and hybrids. None of us can attack another race."

"Why? Why agree to such a thing?"

"To put it simple, I like Cara. She's got spunk and a fire in her eyes...or should I say darkness."

"And you're okay with this?" I ask her grandfather.

"Cara is a big girl. I'm proud of her. She's keeping all of the werewolves safe."

"Do you realize what will happen when the other Alpha's find out about this? They will kill her. Alpha's hate vampire's more then anyone."

"If those Alpha's so much as lay a hand on my granddaughter, I will slaughter them all."

The Alpha's SummitHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin