Chapter 5

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The First Year students were met at the station by a giant man with a rough burly beard and a thick voice who introduced himself as Hagrid, the school's gamekeeper. "Firs' years, over here. All ye' firs' years." They were led to a vast spreading lake where boats were aligned all with lanterns gleaming in the dark.

"Four in one boat," Hagrid instructed and took one himself. The kids scrambled to get inside the boats and not long after the lantern-lit boats were off to the destination.

Arielle and Regulus found a boat with two identical first years. Twins, probably. 

"I'm Martha Sommers and this is my brother, David," the girl gave the introduction after they had settled in.

"Arielle Carrow," Arielle replied almost immediately, glad that she was making some friends.

While Reg, on the other hand, only nodded somberly in reply. "Regulus Black," he mumbled when he realized that the guy, David, was looking too intently his way for not being conversant enough.

Arielle and Martha, being quite talkative, launched into a friendly conversation straightaway while both the boys glanced out at the expanse of the Lake surrounding them. David occasionally gave a remark or two, but Reg pretended as if he could hardly care less.

"I don't want to find you, my son, to ever be in the company of those filthy Mudbloods," Walburga's words were ringing in Regulus's mind like an alarm that had been set off. "They are such a shame to wizards, the scum of the earth! I warn you, Regulus, if you dare associate yourself with that filth, I will not care if you are my flesh and blood or not. I will disown you along with that absolute disgrace of your brother."

True, he wanted to join in the conversation between the three regarding Quidditch and mutual interests, but he didn't dare since all he could hear was his mother's threatening words.

He didn't want to be disowned. He didn't want to lose his family. If for that he had had to forfeit a conversation, he would gladly do so because that wasn't a big price to pay.

Gradually, Hogwarts loomed into sight, the tall towers sprouting magnificently in view. The students were awestruck as they gazed with admiration at the castle.

Arielle was caught in a rapt trance and so were her newly found friends. "It's wonderful," she remarked breathlessly.

"Magnificent," the Sommers twins added.

Regulus took a glance, and he too couldn't deny the marvel of the sight. Still, he kept silent as his thoughts were clouded by what would happen if he wandered astray from his mother's word.

"Reg, you reckon the view from one of those towers would be great, right? We could go up there, would make a nice spot," she squeezed his hand gently, bringing him back to reality.

"Y-yeah, great spot," he mumbled.

The boats halted at the foot of the Lake and everyone stepped out falling back into a line behind Hagrid who led the way.

Once inside the castle, they were met by a stern-looking lady wearing a pointed hat and emerald green robes. Her spectacles rested delicately at the bridge of her nose and she was eyeing them all sharply.

"Welcome to Hogwarts," she spoke in a slow yet smooth tone, "I am Minerva McGonagall, Deputy Headmistress of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. You shall all be led to the Great Hall for your Sorting eventually. After the Sorting Ceremony, the feast will begin. All of you, follow me."

The First Years followed her as she led them to the doors which opened revealing a large Hall with students seated all around. In the front was a High Table, which Arielle expected, was for the Professors. In the center of the Hall, a stool was placed.

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