Chapter 13

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Arielle was relieved when the school term started as she could finally be free at last. The Summer Break had been terrible for her, but as she stood on the platform at King's Cross, she put a smile on her face.

Thinking that she wouldn't have to deal with her parents until the next Summer Break and would be spending time with her friends instead was enough to make her smile happily for the first time in two months.

"Elle, hey," Regulus's voice reached her, and she turned to see her friend, her smile widening even more.

"Reg!" She had been so delighted to see him that she quickly wrapped her arms around him in a tight hug. 

He smiled, appreciating the gesture as he hugged back since he knew very well that she needed twice more happiness and comfort to make her forget about the past months she had spent at home by herself.

When they pulled apart, her cheeks flushed slightly to see Sirius standing there as well, "Good day, Miss Arielle."


"Do I not get a hug?" He raised an eyebrow slightly and she blushed, looking down at her feet.

"No," Regulus replied in a somewhat cold tone, "we're going to our cabin."

"What cabin?"

"The cabin where our friends are waiting for us. Come, Elle, let's find Martha and David," he dragged her away from Sirius and it was then she realized that he had called Martha and David by their names instead of just referring to them as the Muggleborns or the Sommers.

"Reg, are you sure you're okay?" She asked as they boarded the train.

"Of course, I'm okay. Why do you ask?"

"Martha and David instead of being formal like earlier," she reminded him but then smiled and happily resumed, "To be honest, I'm glad you're taking the first step. They're not bad people, y'know. I'm glad you consider them as friends or at least you're trying to."

He sighed, nodding his head a little, "Yeah... They're our friends, they are not bad people. I know that."

That seemed to have improved her mood even more, "Perfect! I am so excited for this term to start."

They found the cabin the Sommers twins were in and both of them cheerfully welcomed them. Martha hugged Arielle and David held his hand out towards Reg who didn't hesitate as he shook the offered hand. 

The gesture made David's smile widen, relieved that the boy was adjusting with them and making an effort not to be cold and detached anymore.

The train ride was a lively affair for the four of them as they discussed things they had done in the Summer Break. Both Regulus and Arielle didn't have much to tell about their time at home but Martha and David's camping trips and fishing adventures made up for that.

Then David steered the conversation towards Quidditch which got Reg talking as well. Turned out the three of them were going to go for the tryouts of their house teams.

"What about you, Arielle? Won't you take part in Quidditch?"

She shrugged nonchalantly, "Nope, I'm not very fond of the sport but I'll surely cheer you guys on from the stands."

By the time school arrived, Arielle felt a lot relieved to be back with her friends and so did Reg. Even though they were an odd group of very different people, still they seemed more like family to the two Purebloods as compared to the people they had left at their own homes.

There was only one thing that made all the difference. With their friends, they felt as if they belonged with them whereas with their parents, it felt as if they were stuck with them through fate.


The results of the Quidditch tryouts were announced in the second week of term. The first week the tryouts had been held and students were given time to adjust to the new term.

But from the second week, the school term started with full force.

Martha and David had both been selected on their house teams, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff respectively, while Regulus scored a position as the Slytherin Seeker. The friends had decided to meet up for a little celebration at the Hogwarts Kitchen which was close to the Hufflepuff Common Room.

Hence David was already there and had asked the elves to arrange a feast for the rest of them.

Shortly after, Martha arrived followed closely by Arielle and Regulus. Arielle was seeing the two for the first time after they had been selected so she had rushed to give both of them a congratulatory hug.

Reg had a small smile on his face too as he nodded his head cordially towards Martha and let David pat him on the back.

He was always reserved with them but lately, he had been making an effort to be slightly friendlier and the twins appreciated it.

The Hogwarts Kitchens were the most heavenly place to a person who adored food; it could be seen very well from the expression on Arielle's face.

"And David, you've known about the kitchen since our first year?" She asked in disbelief as she inhaled the delicious smell that wafted through the place.


"Why didn't you tell us earlier?"

"Sorry, it's like a house secret. Other Hufflepuffs know about it too but we rarely ever tell others," he remarked, scurrying a little away from his sister by whose expression it was clear that he hadn't told her either, "I'm sorry, Martha."

"Then why are you telling us now?" She remarked, grey eyes narrowing slightly as she glared at her brother.

"Because it's a day to celebrate and this is the best place I could think of. Now please, don't ruin the surprise I set up for you. All the house elves here really helped me set a little party and I hope you will all enjoy."

"Of course, we will," Arielle replied with a bright smile, "And I have a feeling this is going to be my favorite place in the entire castle."

They had sat down to eat the delicious assortment of food laid out for them when David remarked, "Oh, and since I shared this secret with you, I would appreciate it if you kept it. Not many people should know where the kitchens are or else the special part about throwing parties here would get ruined."

"Don't worry, we're good at keeping secrets," that was the first time Reg said something out of his own accord but the Sommers twins and Arielle hadn't noticed that.

"Come now, let's dig in," David announced happily, "Cheers to us being selected on our Quidditch teams."

"Cheers to me escaping the hassle," Arielle raised her glass of pumpkin juice as well and the four of them clinked the goblets together.

It was truly a happy time for all of them and little did they know that such happy times were what would make their school life memorable.


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