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amelia's already heading to the cafe early in the morning when her phone rings. she gets it out of the back pocket of her jeans, seeing it's her dad calling, which makes her smile happily.

"dad!" she exclaims. "good morning, how are you?!"

"good morning, little bee." he chuckles, calling her by her silly nickname, making her roll her eyes playfully. "i'm good, thank you, honey. how about you?"

"don't call me that, daddy!" she whines. "i'm good too, thanks. just about to buy my coffee, actually. what brings you to call me so early on a wednesday morning?"

"well, actually, i need you to come see me at the office today." he says, as she's just entering the coffee shop, heading for her usual table. "um, right now, to be exact."

"wait, what?! now?" she asks, confused. "why?"

"there's something i need to talk to you about, honey." her father sighs. "i know it's a bit early and short noticed, but it's really important."

amelia sighs, feeling slightly annoyed. she was ready to meet "will" today. she wasn't even able to sleep at night properly, thinking about what to say to him the next morning - she was sure today was the day. she shakes her head and takes a deep breath, ignoring those thoughts and bad feelings. you can't be annoyed at your father over a stranger, amelia. also, he couldn't possibly know about your plans. so it's not his fault.

"alright, daddy." she says softly. "but i'll have to take the tube, so it's gonna be a while until i get there."

"there's no problems at all, darling. oh, do you have your security card on you? it's easier to just use it to get in, and it's quicker."

"um, yeah, i think so... oh! can we go out for lunch after?! please, dad, it's been so long." she says, almost begging. she knows how hard it is for her father to leave his work.

"oh, baby, i'm so full of work today..." he sighs heavily. amelia rolls her eyes. obviously.

"you're always full of work, daddy." she replies, letting a hint of annoyance take over her voice. "you never have time for me."

"you know it's complicated, bee." he stays quiet for a moment. "but... i'll find some time today, okay? we can go to your favourite restaurant, it's really been too long." he gives in, and amelia smiles widely.

"thank you, dad! i can't wait to see you!" she gets up from the chair feeling joyful, and heads over to the counter to order her usual cappuccino.

"can't wait to see you too, baby." he replies.

"okay then, see you in a bit." she says.

"yes. oh, and amelia?"


"i miss you. so much. i'm sorry i'm always out of time." she notices his voice turns sad suddenly.

"dad! it's okay, really, don't worry. i understand, you know i do. it's okay, i swear. i'm just happy we get to see each other today." she reassures him.

"you shouldn't have to understand these sort of things, though. this wasn't supposed to happen..." he sighs. "anyway, i love you, okay? don't ever forget that. i have to go now, see you soon, little bee."

"love you too, dad." she says softly to the already dead line. he hung up before she could reply.

she puts her phone back into her pocket and quickly orders her coffee, thinking about "will". i was being silly. how could i be so sure i would meet him today, when i don't even know if he'll be here? we haven't even spoken since yesterday. stupid girl. she tries to convince herself that she doesn't care she's not meeting "will" today. clearly, she likes to pretend a lot.

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