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he walks into the cafe with that one certainty - that she'll be there.

but also with that one thing stuck in his mind - i need to talk to her today. no more stalling. come on, brad, you can do this.

when he sees her, his heart jumps. his stomach fills with butterflies. such a cliche, right? i know. and there's more: he's feeling this way ever since he saw her. for the very first time. "love at first sight" - can you even believe it? he didn't. until her.

she's there. just like every single day since the day a light blessed him to go and enter that cafe. and she's so beautiful. she's the definition of beautiful. brad can't even believe that girl is real. as usual, she's sitting at the corner table, focused on her laptop, her headphones on her ears.

and as usual, she doesn't see him. or at least brad never noticed if she saw him (and she really never did).

as usual, he sits at a table that's near from where she's sat, but not too close. just enough so he can innocently and discreetly observe her as much as he can without staring - or being noticed.

but this time, he decides to take a risk. if he wanted to talk to her, he needed to change his ways. so he gets up and sits at the table right beside hers. he can even hear the song she is listening to - wonderwall.

she is perfect.

there was one particular thing he liked about her. sometimes she would just stop what she was doing, gaze at some spot in the emptiness, and just stand still, while muttering the lyrics to the song playing in her ears. feeling the song, he would describe.

she is doing that now. brad, being able to hear the song today and knowing the lyrics too, silently does the same thing as her, nodding his head as the low music goes by. but then something happens. she gets the words wrong. he can't help but crack a little smile. she is adorable. she shakes her head, giggling softly at her own mistake.

talk to her. talk to her. talk to her. that's the only thing his mind's focusing on. he cannot think of anything else. talk to her, for christ's sake, bradley. just do it.

he turns his head and looks at her directly. she's so concentrated on her laptop. she's writing something. i can't bother her.

so the stupid boy gets up, sighing, and slowly walks towards the door, shaking his head and cursing himself for being such a coward.

he's opening the glass door to leave the coffee shop when something hits him. an idea. a wonderful idea. so he quickly walks back to the counter, finding a napkin and asking if he can use the waiter's pen.

with his messy handwriting, he writes down the silly message and stares at the paper when he finishes. should i sign my real name? he wonders. she might know him. it is a possibility. one that could change everything.

so he ends up signing his middle name instead. it's safer and it wouldn't hurt anyone, right? he puts his number right below the name, just in case. he nods his head, with a small grin on his face. it's not the best option and it's kind of a long shot but - well, it's better than letting another day go by without doing anything.

"psst." he calls the waiter. the guy looks at him with a confused frown on his face. "um... would you mind handing this to that girl over there?" he whispers, nodding at her direction, trying to be discreet. he feels his cheeks on fire. idiot.

"yeah, sure, no problem." the guy says, looking at brad from head to toe. brad nods again, shyly.

"thanks, mate. just umm... wait until i'm gone, yeah? please." he presses his lips together, embarrassed, starting to regret having that idea. it would've been easier to just talk to her. if only he wasn't such a chicken. the waiter nods in agreement, so brad just turns around and almost runs out of the cafe.

all he can do now is hope that it works.

he walks home, his head down, his hands in the pockets of his jacket, his heart pounding so hard it almost hurts. he feels like crying. he feels stupid. he wishes he'd just talked to her instead of being such a fool.

he wasn't like that. he usually was so confident, especially with girls. he was always flirtatious and fun and charming. then why with her it was so different - and so difficult?

he looks up at the grey clouds, wondering if it'll rain before he gets home - well, thinking of anything, really, in order to try and forget about her. the chances of his stupid little plan working were very small, so he's not feeling very hopeful.

but then his phone beeps. his heart jumps again and he thinks he can actually feel the blood running through his veins. he takes a deep breath, trying not to expect anything - it may not even be her. it probably isn't her. he breaths in deeply and takes his phone off of his pocket. he presses the home button. it's a message from an unknown number. his heart's racing. he's shaking. he laughs at his own silliness - and clicks the notification.

unknown: ummmm hi? who's will?



so. i had this idea a few months ago and started writing it so i had this chapter ready for a long time now and i couldn't stop thinking about it lately. so i thought, why not? i'm just trying something different - i'm not sure yet if i'll keep going (so let me know if you would like me to) or how this will develop but i just really wanted to publish it cause idk i like it. so yeah.

if you like this and/or want me to continue, please leave a comment and your vote - i'll be very grateful. thanks!

i think that was it.

i truly hope you enjoy this new thing.


love always.

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