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amelia closes the door of her apartment and looks at herself in the mirror next to it. she has the biggest smile on her face. she can't take it off. she walks to her bedroom, leaving the bag on the floor, and literally jumps on the bed. it's almost 10:30 am and she needs to start studying for her class this afternoon. but guess what? "will" doesn't leave her mind. she can't stop thinking about him. what he looks like. what his voice sounds like. if his eyes shine bright when he's talking about something he loves. if he has dimples. or freckles. she's putting too much thinking into someone she barely knows; she is aware. but she can't stop. her brain refuses.

she gets up from the bed before her mind can wander off again. she walks to the kitchen and fills up a huge glass of water, then sits down on the sofa and gets her books from the centre table, opening them where she'd stopped the day before. she's waiting for "will" to reply to her last text, but she needs to be productive, so she leaves the phone in the kitchen and attempts to start reading. it works for a while but not too long. she sighs, frustrated, but doesn't give up. it's just a boy, amelia. get over it and focus.

she can hear the phone buzzing from the kitchen, but she's determined: she's gonna study until lunchtime.

meanwhile, brad's heading to the studio. they're working on the second album of the band and he just had an idea for a song. he takes a taxi cause he can't bother himself to walk all the way over there. he's also a bit late.

amelia doesn't leave his mind during the car journey. what's she doing right now? how is she feeling about him? does she think he's a weirdo for leaving a note instead of talking to her? what is she writing about? questions he wants to ask her so badly, but still haven't had the opportunity. their texts are not that deep yet. it's not even been an hour since they started talking.

he checks his phone once again. third time in less than two minutes. no reply. he sighs, nervous. he just told her he works in the music industry. but he couldn't bring himself to tell her his real name. has she ever heard about my band? probably not. she listens to oasis. but what if...?

the car stops in front of the building and, as he pays the driver, brad forces himself to think of something else. to focus on the music he's about to work on. can i just mention it's a song about amelia? so the whole let's-stop-thinking-about-her-for-a-while plan it's not going to work. but we're letting brad fool himself, aren't we?

as he takes the lift, his phone buzzes and his heart immediately races. he looks down at the notification and can't help but feel a bit disappointed. it's only james.

james: hey man, are you late again? we're on the studio and i need to share some ideas with you so hurry up please. X

he doesn't reply cause he's there already. the lift opens and brad walks down the hallway to the studio, being able hear a guitar playing some unfamiliar chords. the sound gets louder as he gets closer, and then tristan starts drumming along to the melody. by the time he reaches the room, the idea he had just a few minutes ago when he left his house is now complete in his mind. when he opens the door, all eyes turn to him while he walks in, and he simply stops there and says, before anything else:

"i just wrote an entire song."


coffee guy: oh so you're a writer then?

coffee guy: i work in the music industry, actually.

amelia frowns. the music industry? that's vague.

amelia (!!!): and what exactly do you do in the music industry?

amelia (!!!): not a writer. not yet.

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