Empty but major

1 1 0

I'm asleep-as humans call it

Have been for eternity

I don't remember being awake


Space scientists point of view

We decided to explore Pluto and it's dwarfism

Our drone has just uncovered something

"Ms Mercury....I mean captain we found a creature"said cadette 9876
"There is life on Pluto!"
"Seems so Ma'am"

We zoomed in closer it had human like features many guessed it was a female but no evidence
Her skin was weirdly green and what seemed to be hair was lilac she didn't seems to have a nose fingers or toes but she had a mouth (closed so unsure of teeth) with no obvious lips and we predicted she had eyes but if so they were closed

"Creature X has been discovered I want info on it pronto this is a major discovery!"
Hi guys it's me this is a developing idea that's hard to explain but it's basically the differences between life on earth 🌏 and life on Pluto and how a young "alien" -sorry I don't like the word-faces being the only of her kind,bombarded with questions she can't answer,experimented on and flat out poorly treated

Hope you enjoyed and let me know your thoughts

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2017 ⏰

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