Missing & Regret

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"Six individuals went missing one day about six years ago. No one knows what happened to them but we do know that the case went cold and the friends of-"

The Tv was cut off by the one and only Chilled Chaos. He seemed to glare at the Tv like it was his worst enemy. He hated this. This all happened. Why them? What did they do?

"Galm...Ze..." Chilled muttered to himself. He remembered the last time he saw them. The fight.

"CHILLED! Stop being stupid and listen!"

"I'm being stupid, your the ones out there acting like bitches!"

"Galm, Chilly please calm down" Ze said trying to stop the two Anthonys.

"Fuck off Ze!" Chilled aid as he shoved the smaller male who would've fallen if it weren't for Galm. Galm straightened Ze up and glared.

"He did nothing wrong Chilled, don't take your anger out on him!"

"I'm just tired of all the bullshit Galm, from you and Ze! So you like going around fucking older men"


"You heard me! I'm tired of having to deal with your bullshit" Galm growled.

"You know what fine! Maybe you'll get your wish and we'll be dead the next day! Huh! You'd like that wouldn't you?!" Galm said. That's when the others step in. This was getting out of hand.

"Galm, calm down" Tom said. He never heard Galm spew words like that. Ever.

"Shut up Tom! It seems everyone is against me and Ze today" Galm said angrily.

"Galm your overreacting" Smarty said which earned him a glare.

"You shut your fucking mouth Smarty, you and Aphex get on my last nerve!"

"I did nothing wrong, what the hell" Aphex exclaimed. That's when their voices started escalating and Chilled let something slip that he never wanted to say.

"That's it, maybe you should get out of the group, because apparently everyone's against you" Chilled yelled. He wished he could take back what he said. To reach out and grab the words from the air but it was too late.

"..." the silence was deafening. In all the time together, no one has out right said that someone shouldn't be a derp. It just wasn't in their nature. But now Chilled let the words slip from his mouth.

"If that's how it is then fine, I don't deserve this bullshit! Ze doesn't deserve this! Especially from the likes of you" Galm said dragging Ze towards the door.

"No Galm! Ze! Wait!"

"Fuck you! Maybe if your lucky, you won't have to see us anymore!" Galm yelled slamming the door. But everyone saw the tears building in his eyes.

He never thought it come true. They never thought those words would be true but four years ago the news came out with a report on six missing youtubers, Galm and Ze included. And they felt worse when they recieved a text message from Galm that said:

We're sorry, we'll miss you. We love you forgive us on our deathbed.

Smarty broke down that day. Matter of fact, the whole crew lost it. The last time they could talk to their friend was through an argument. The last thing he sent them was a text. They would never see them again.

"...It's all my fault..." Chilled said. He could barely remember what they fought.

"no it wasn't" Chilled looked at the door as Smarty walked in. He sat beside his taller friend and sighed. They all regretted not trying to talk it out with the youngest members. They probably had a reason for what they were doing. What were they doing? Galm and Ze started hanging around these guys who were twice their age. They never did anything sexual but it was clear the older men wanted to. That was what made Chilled upset, thinking his friends were out there messing around but the realized that they never even went farther than a handshake or hug. That he reacted for nothing. That he just let the steer right into the path of danger.

"Yes it was...and the others aren't doing any better" Chilled said solemnly. Smarty gave Chilled a sympathetic look. Silence filled the room and Smarty couldn't stand it.

"do you think we'll find them?" Smarty asked breaking the silence like a rock to a glass pane.


"Buddy?" Smarty said in pure concern.

"I-I don't know" Chilled stuttered. Smarty saw Chilled's shoulder shake, indicating he was crying.

"Chilled, calm down" Smarty said slowly rubbing his back. Chilled shook Smarty's hand off him and walked up to his room. Smarty looked around until something caught his attention. It was a picture of Galm and Ze. Ze was smiling wide as he waved at the camera while Galm was beside him. His arms were crossed with a wide smirk on his face. That was at Galm's birthday.

"You got me a stuffed animal, Smarty?"

"It's a dragon I thought you'd like it"

"...Thanks, I actually appreciate this"


"For once"



Smarty almost cried thinking about that. Galm wasn't the type to just take anything. He had standards.


"Yeah Ze?"

"Have you seen Galm?"

"Yeah, he's over there with the rest of the party"


Smarty watched as Ze ran over to Galm with a wrapped box. Galm opened it and found a dark green hoodie. He smiled and said something to Ze and started laughing.

"Hopefully you guys are happy where you are" Smarty said going up to his room.


A woman walked into a dark room. In the room there was a desk and a leather chair with multiple screens.

"Sir, they are still causing havoc in the lab...what will we do?" She asked. The man looked at the screen as multiple videos popped up. Each showed his machines transforming from stationary contraptions to mobile monstrosities. The man didn't care about the workers who died. He only cared about what caused his workers' death.

"Send out a telegram to the friends of the...deceased" the man said with a laugh, finding something funny. The woman pursed her lips and walked out the door to do as she was told. The man went back to the videos when he noticed something. He smirked and slowed the video down. It showed a white orb making it's way towards one of his machines.

"I'll find all of you...especially you my green eyed beauty" the man said as his eyes landed on the last camera, it showed a big blue present with emerald green ribbons wrapped around it. Beside it was a little music box. He had one of his scientist place it there, he's dead but he didn't care.

"...You're the key to my success and desires" he stated with a lick of his lips.

Laughter that could make anyone fear for there life, bounced around the room like rubber ball.


Instead of trying to right another story. I decided I'd rotate. In these rotations I'll do certain stories in that rotation. 1st rotation is Labels and Cresecent Fang. Second rotation is Let's Player's and Esmeralda Prinsipe, Gaisgeach Amethyst. So now I'll be working on this for a bit. Until I decide when I want to swap back to the next story. But some of you guys were already interested in this one anyway so XD.

I'll try and make my best chapters but expect slow updates.


My one-shot book is out. If you want to make a request just write it in my ome-shot comments and I'll see what I can do, kay?

Hope you enjoy. Later!


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